2015 Doktorgrader

Jostein Bakke
18.9.2015 | Zhiyuan Ge | "Late Jurassic tectono-stratigraphic development of the Norwegian Central Graben and the influence of normal faulting on turbidite sedimentation" |
25.8.2015 | Gijs Allard Henstra | "The tectonostratigraphic evolution of an episodically active rift. The northern Norway - Greenland rift: from post - orogenic exhumation to deep marine turbidites" |
22.5.2015 | Amandine Aline Tisserand | "Calibration, validation and application of the foraminiferal Mg/Ca: Reconstructing the intermediate water masses structure and origin in the Western Tropical Atlantic" |
12.5.2015 | Björn Burr Nyberg | "Global Characterization of Modern Depositional Environments for Reservoir Analogues" |
16.2.2015 | Luisa F. Zuluaga Valencia | "Contractional deformation of porous sandstones - Laramide and Sevier deformation of the Navajo and Aztec sandstones in western USA" |