[Webinar!] The role of hydrogen when moving towards a zero emission society
Because of the covid-19 situastion, this seminar will be digital!

Abstract: The need to decarbonize has put hydrogen forward as one of several promising alternative fuels. The talk will give a short introduction to hydrogen related technologies and how hydrogen may contribute to decarbonizing. Norway, and especially the western part of Norway, are doing pioneering work to start implementing hydrogen as a fuel. An overview of planned and ongoing hydrogen projects in Norway will be presented.
Seminar speaker:
Velaug Myrseth Oltedal is associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering, at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (WNUAS). She holds a PhD-degree in chemistry, and has worked interdisciplinary with research within nanotechnology, drilling of oil wells and green energy. Oltedal holds a certificate in Project Management from University of California, and works closely with industry to develop relevant research projects within hydrogen technology. Ongoing research activities include feasibility of hydrogen production from offshore wind, and electrolysis using salt water. Oltedal lectures in “Hydrogen technology”, and leads the development of continual education courses within hydrogen technology at WNUAS.
Guidelines for our virtual seminars:
- Link to join the webinar: https://uib.zoom.us/j/67324188617?pwd=V0pJT1M3bUpCaEczRHV0cHBCcTd6UT09
- "Doors open" at 12:00. From 12:00-12:15 you will be able to present yourself and be introduced to the rest of the participants.
- After 12:15 and whenever you are not speaking please mute your microphone, as this can disturb others.
- If you have a comment or a question please use the chat function (speech bubble on the options panel) to signal you have a question.
- The moderator will introduce you when it is your turn to ask a question – Remember to unmute your microphone!