Professor of informatics awarded prestigious international applied mathematics prize
Professor Fredrik Manne will receive this year’s George Pólya Prize in Applied Combinatorics.

The prize, established in 1969, is only awarded every four years for “a notable application of combinatorial theory.”
In 2021 the prize goes to Professor Fredrik Manne along with his two international colleagues, Assefaw Gebremedhin from Washington State University and Alex Pothen from Purdue University.
They were chosen specifically for their work “What Color is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives,” which appeared in SIAM Review in 2005.
This article describes efficient algorithms to solve several variant coloring problems and then applies them to compute Jacobian and Hessian matrices — matrices of derivatives that are central in many fields of science and engineering, as well as a powerful back-end tool in machine learning. The paper was written when Gebremedhin was a PhD student at The University of Bergen, supervised by Manne.
As well as his accomplishments within his field of research, Manne is also a popular lecturer, and has previously been awarded the prize for best teacher as well as the title of Excellent Teaching Practitioner at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bergen. He is currently Head of Teaching at the Department of Informatics.