Doktorgradar ved informatikk
Doktorgradar ved Institutt for informatikk, frå 1984 til no
Doktorgradar, 2025
Ph.d. Amund Askeland, Explorations of Physical Attacks Against Embedded Systems and Their Defences
Doktorgradar, 2024
Ph.d. Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Investigations into Graph-theoretical Constructions in Homotopy Type Theory
Ph.d. Elisabeth Stenholm, Material Set Theory in Homotopy Type Theory
Ph.d. Benjamin Chetioui, Towards Practical High-Quality Software
Ph.d. Erlend Raa Vågset, Optimal Parameterized Algorithms for Solving NP-Hard Problems in Topology
Ph.d. Nicolas Costes, Exploiting Redundant Designs with Side-Channel Attacks
Ph.d. Ermes Franch, Low-Rank Parity-Check Codes
Ph.d. Issam Maarouf, Coding for DNA-based Storage Systems
Ph.d. Tuukka Korhonen, Computing Width Parameters of Graphs
Ph.d. Håkon Tjeldnes, Unraveling the Mysteries of the Translatome
Ph.d. Ramin Hasibi, Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Graph Based Applications
Doktorgradar, 2023
Ph.d. Phillippe Samer, Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and independence
Ph.d. Nidhi Purohit, Multivariate Analysis of Clustering Problems with Constraints
Ph.d. Hans Heum, Cryptology in the Crowd
Ph.d. Pierre Gillot, Scalable Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Feedback Arc Set-Based Heuristics
Ph.d. Hyeongji Kim, On the Significance of Distance in Machine Learning
Ph.d. Roberto Parisella, On a New, Efficient Framework for Falsifiable Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments
Ph.d. Sophie Fischer-Holzhausen, A matter of timing: A modelling-based investigation of the dynamic behaviour of reproductive hormones in girls and women
Ph.d. Reent Schlegel, Coding for Privacy in Distributed Computing
Ph.d. Cosimo Damiano Persia, Learning Possibilistic Logic Theories
Ph.d. Yngve Sekse Kristiansen, Interactive Semantic and Aesthetic Guidance for Multi-View Visualization Design
Doktorgradar, 2022
Ph.d. Thomas Bernhard Trautner, Visualization Hybridization with Spatialization Cues
Ph.d. Arne Tobias Ødegaard, Assumptions, Efficiency and Trust in Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Ph.d. Laura Ann Garrison, From Molecules to the Masses
Ph.d. Lars Albin Severinson, Straggler-Resilient Distributed Computing
Ph.d. Alessandro Budroni, Notes on Lattice-Based Cryptography
Ph.d. Eric Mörth, Scaling Up Medical Visualization - Multi-Modal, Multi-Patient, and Multi-Audience Approaches for Medical Data Exploration, Analysis and Communication
Ph.d. Muhammad Ammar Malik, Machine learning approaches for high-dimensional genome-wide association studies
Ph.d. Adnan Muhammad Niazi, Computational methods for studying RNA caps and poly(A)-tails at single-molecule resolution with Nanopore sequencing
Ph.d. Wrya Karim Kadir, Decoding and constructions of codes in rank and Hamming metric
Ph.d. Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre Arrighi, Order-Related Problems Parameterized by Width
Ph.d. Isaac Andrés Canales Martínez, New cryptanalysis of LFSR-based stream ciphers and decoders for p-ary QC-MDPC codes
Ph.d. Martha Norberg Hovd, Studies on the Security of Selected Advanced Asymmetric Cryptographic Primitives
Doktorgradar, 2021
Ph.d. Anna Maria Eilertsen, Improving the Usability of Refactoring Tools for Software Change Tasks
Ph.d. Kristine Vitting Klinkby Knudsen, Parameterized Problems on (Di)Graphs
Ph.d. Ksenia Lavrichenko, Computational methods for DNA Copy Number Variation Analysis
Ph.d. Asieh Abolpour Mofrad, Clique-Based Neural Associative Memories
Ph.d. Chaoran Fan, Improving Interaction in Visual Analytics using Machine Learning
Ph.d. John Petter Indrøy, Selected Topics in Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Ciphers
Ph.d. Diana Davidova, On properties of bent and almost perfect nonlinear functions
Ph.d. Morten Øygarden, Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Cryptographic Schemes with Extension Field Structure
Ph.d. Sachin Valera, Topological Quantum and Skein-Theoretic Aspects of Braided Fusion Categories
Ph.d. Dan Zhang, Design of sequences with good correlation properties
Ph.d. Nikolay Stoyanov Kaleyski, Towards a deeper understanding of APN functions and related longstanding problems
Ph.d. Bram Burger, Statistical considerations for the design and interpretation of proteomics experiments
Ph.d. Kirill Simonov, Algorithmic Complexity of Clustering and Low-Rank Approximation Problems
Ph.d. Irene Villa, Analysis, classification and construction of optimal cryptographic Boolean functions
Doktorgradar, 2020
Ph.d. Fabian Bolte, Visualization Space Exploration
Ph.d. Bjørn André Bredesen, Modelling the structure, function and evolution of Polycomb/Trithorax Response Elements
Ph.d. Yaxin Xue, Development and application of computational methods for NGS-based microbiome research
Ph.d. Xiaokang Zhang, Biomarker Discovery Using Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches on Gene Expression Data
Ph.d. Lars Jaffke, Bounded Width Graph Classes in Parameterized Algorithm
Ph.d. Srimathi Varadharajan, Hard Mathematical Problems in Cryptography and Coding Theory
Ph.d. Daniel Hernández Escobar, Strong stability of C-stationary points for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints
Ph.d. Torstein J. F. Strømme, Exploiting graph structures for computational efficiency
Ph.d. Navid Ghaedi Bardeh, New Approaches to the Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
Ph.d. Kornel Labun, In silico design and analysis of targeted genome editing with CRISPR
Doktorgradar, 2019
Ph.d. Arne Albert Klein, Methods for Optimizing Turbine Locations and Cable Routes in Offshore Wind Farms
Ph.d. Adam Giess, Understanding translational landscapes through the footprints of ribosomes
Ph.d. Anna-Lena Both, Parameter optimisation for the improved modelling of industrial-scale gas explosions
Ph.d. Marika Ivanova, Optimization Problems in Communication Networks and Multi-Agent Path Finding
Ph.d. Katarzyna Anna Chyzynska, Insights into translational regulation from ribosome profiling data
Ph.d. Paloma Thomé de Lima, Structural and Algorithmic Graph Theory Through the Lenses of Graph Classes
Ph.d. Andrea Tenti, Sufficiently overdetermined random polynomial systems behave like semiregular ones
Doktorgradar, 2018
Ph.d. Bjørn Møller Greve, Systems of Boolean equations, elimination theory, and applications to cryptography
Ph.d. Erik Eikeland, Two-Level Additive Schwarz Methods with Adaptive Coarse Spaces on Elliptic Multiscale Problems
Ph.d. Ute Alexandra Schaarschmidt, Multiple time–scale dynamics of stage structured populations and derivative–free optimization
Ph.d. Siddhartha Kumar, Privacy, Security, and Repair in Distributed Storage Systems
Ph.d. Sergej Stoppel, User-Centric Parameter Specification for Interactive Virtual and Physical Visual Representations
Ph.d. Tetiana Yarygina, Exploring Microservice Security
Ph.d. Angèle Abboud, Structure and dynamic of the N-terminal acetyltransferase family: a computational study
Ph.d. Bo Sun, On the Classification and Some Properties of APN Functions
Ph.d. Eivind Jahren, Three exact methods for some problems in Combinatorial Optimization
Doktorgradar, 2017
Ph.d. Markus Fanebust Dregi, Beyond the question of fixed-parameter tractability
Ph.d. Tero Hasu, Programming Language Technology for Niche Platforms
Ph.d. Ivan Kolesár, Partial Spatiotemporal Abstraction for Comparative Visualization of Molecular Processes
Ph.d. Md Naim, Parallel Matching and Clustering Algorithms on GPUs
Ph.d. Akanksha Agrawal, Graph Modification Problems: Beyond the Known Boundaries
Ph.d. Christian Otterstad, Selected x86 Low-level Attacks and Mitigations
Doktorgradar, 2016
Ph.d. Xiaoliang Wang, Towards Correct Modelling and Model Transformation in DPF
Ph.d. Atle Loneland, Robust Domain Decomposition Methods for the Finite Element and Finite Volume Element Discretization
Ph.d. Erik Parmann, Case Studies in Constructive Mathematics
Doktorgradar, 2015
Ph.d. Mohsen Toorani, Security protocols and related topics
Ph.d. Pål Grønås Drange, Parameterized Graph Modification Algorithms
Ph.d. Matus Kalas, Efforts towards accessible and reliable bioinformatics
Ph.d. Samson Gejibo, Towards a Secure Framework for mHealth: A Case Study in Mobile Data Collection Systems
Ph.d. Sigve Hortemo Sæther, Choice of parameter for DP-based FPT algorithms: four case studies
Ph.d. Jan Christian Bryne, Determining the regulatory roles of transcription factor complexes by analysis of high throughput sequencing data
Ph.d. Reza SaeiDinvar, Algorithmic and combinatorial problems on graph classes
Doktorgradar, 2014
Ph.d. Andrea Brambilla, Visibility-oriented Visualization Design for Flow Illustration
Ph.d. Oleksander Kazymyrov, Methods and Tools for Analysis of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives
Ph.d. Mattia Natali, Sketch-based Modelling and Conceptual Visualization of Geomorphological Processes for Interactive Scientific Communication
Ph.d. Sadia Sharmin, Practical Aspects of the Graph Parameter Boolean-width
Ph.d. Chunlei Li, Sequences and Linear Codes from Highly Nonlinear Functions
Ph.d. Anne Kristin Støbakk Stavrum, A kinetic model of tryptofan metabolism - Developments towards accurate and scalable kinetic models
Ph.d. Paweł Sztromwasser, Throughput and robustness of bioinformatics pipelines for genome-scale data analysis
Doktorgradar, 2013
Ph.d. Michał Pilipczuk, Tournaments and optimality: new results in fixed-parameter tractability
Ph.d. Cagatay Turkay, Integrating Computational Tools in Interactive and Visual Methods for Enhancing High-dimensional Data and Cluster Analysis
Ph.d. Rémy Belmonte, Algorithmic and Combinatorial Aspects of Containment Relations in Graphs
Ph.d. Aleksandra Sima, An improved workflow for image- and laser-based virtual geological outcrop modelling
Ph.d. Endre Mølster Lidal, Sketch-based Storytelling for Cognitive Problem Solving – Externalization, Evaluation, and Communication in Geology
Ph.d. Åsmund Rognerud Birkeland, Ultrasonic Vessel Visualization: From Extraction to Perception
Ph.d. Chirag Nepal, Regulatory mechanisms of non-coding RNAs during zebrafish embryogenesis
Ph.d. Edvin Fuglebakk, Methods for comparative analysis of the intrinsic motions of computational protein models
Ph.d. Susanne Balzer, Characteristics of Pyrosequencing Data - Analysis, Methods, and Tools
Doktorgradar, 2012
Ph.d. Somaye Yari, Coding for correcting errors of limited magnitude and for error detection
Ph.d. Sjur Dyrkolbotn, Argumentation, paradox and kernels in directed graphs
Ph.d. Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh, Security Analysis of Lightweight Schemes for RFID Systems
Ph.d. Paolo Angelelli, Visual Exploration of Human Physiology: Visualizing Perfusion, Blood Flow and Aging
Ph.d. Armin Pobitzer, Interactive Visual Analysis of Time-dependent Flows: Physics- and Statistics-based Semantics
Ph.d. Guang Yang, Coding for Passive RFID Communication
Ph.d. Veronika Solteszova, Perception-Augmenting Illumination
Ph.d. Thorsten Schilling,Towards efficient algorithms in algebraic cryptanalisis
Ph.d. Martin Vatshelle, New width parameters of graphs
Ph.d. Ramij Rahaman, Study of nonlocal correlations and entanglement in the context of quantum information processing
Doktorgradar, 2011
Ph.d. Jesper Nederlof, Space and Time Efficient Structural Improvements of Dynamic Programming Algorithms
Ph.d. Alessandro Rossini, Diagram Predicate Framework meets Model Versioning and Deep Metamodelling
Ph.d. Ove Daae Lampe, Interactive Visual Analysis of Process Data
Ph.d. Seyed Mehdi Hassanzadeh, Cryptanalysis of Cryptographic Primitives and Related Topics
Ph.d. Mostofa Ali Patwary, Parallel Graph Algorithms for Combinatorial Scientific Computing
Ph.d. Johannes Langguth, Sequential and Parallel Matching Algorithms in Combinatorial Scientific Computing
Ph.d. Johannes Kehrer, Interactive Visual Analysis of Multi-faceted Scientific Data
Ph.d. Eva Burrows, Programming with Explicit Dependencies: A Framework for Portable Parallel Programming
Ph.d. Alexandr Goncearenco, Evolution of protein function and mechanisms of molecular adaptation
Ph.d. Gisle Sælensminde, Computational analysis of proteins adapted to extreme temperatures
Ph.d. Andrew Polonsky, Proofs, Types and Lambda Calculus
Doktorgradar, 2010
Ph.d. Dag Hovland, Feasible Algorithms for Semantics - Employing Automata and Inference Systems
Ph.d. Conrado Borraz-Sánchez, Optimization Methods for Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas
Ph.d. Adrian Rutle, Diagram Predicate Framework: A Formal Approach to MDE
Ph.d. Joakim Grahl Knudsen, On Iterative Decoding of High-Density Parity-Check Codes Using Edge-Local Complementation
Ph.d. Torben Broemstrup, Peripheral membrane binding of Proteinase 3: In silico description of amino acid specific binding interactions and their lipid type dependencyVarious aspects of stream cipher cryptanalysis
Ph.d. Michal Hojsik, Various aspects of stream cipher cryptanalysis
Ph.d. Siv Midtun Hollup, Prediction and analysis of protein structure
Ph.d. Harald Barsnes, Development of Tools for Analyzing and Sharing Proteomics Data
Ph.d. Rodica G. Mihai, Games on graphs: searching and online coloring
Ph.d. Tor Erling Bjørstad, On the security of cryptographic primitives
Ph.d. Jean-Paul Balabanian, Multi-Aspect Visualization: Going from Linked Views to Integrated Views
Doktorgradar, 2009
Ph.d. Mohammad Ravanbakhsh, Towards Optimal Data Transmission by Network Coding
Ph.d. Aina Johansen, The correlation of sequences over finite alphabets
Ph.d. Sondre Rønjom, Cryptanalysis of Ciphers over Finite Cyclic Groups
Ph.d. Valentin David, Language Constructs for C++-like languages – Tools and extensions
Ph.d. Anya Helene Bagge: Constructs & Concepts – Language Design for Reliability and Flexibility
Ph.d. Daniel Patel: Expressive Visualization and Rapid Interpretation of Seismic Volumes
Ph.d. Daniel Lokshtanov: New Methods in Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity
Ph.d. Morten Mjelde: New Results on Self-Stabilizing Algorithms,
and on Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Doktorgradar, 2008
Ph.d. Serge Gaspers: Exponential Time Algorithms: Structures, Measures, and Bounds
Ph.d. Alexey Stepanov: Exact Algorithms for Hard Listing, Counting and Decision Problems
Ph.d. Netland, Lars-Helge: Analyse av sikkerhetsrisikoer i datasystemer
Ph.d. Klingsheim, André N.: Sikkerhet og personvern på Internett,
Ph.d. Gundersen, Geir: Halleys metode i optimering for å løse storskala beregninger
Ph.d. Mancini, Federico: Reparering av eksperimentelle data ved å bruke grafer
Ph.d. Shruti Rastogi: Understanding protein evolution with structural models
Ph.d. Lars Eirik Danielsen: On Connections Between Graphs, Codes, Quantum States, and Boolean Functions
Ph.d. Yngve Espelid: Practices in Software Security
Ph.d. Joanna Bauer: Fast Solution Methods for the Minimum Energy Multicast Problem in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Ph.d. Ørjan Bergmann: Optimization issues in medical imaging and fiber-tracking
Ph.d. Timoty Hughes: Computational analysis of the evolutionary dynamics of proteins on a genomic scale
Doktorgradar, 2007
Ph.d. Kristian Flikka: Computational methods in high-throughput proteomics research
Ph.d. Fredrik Dorn: Designing subexponential algorithms: problems, techniques & structures
Ph.d. Geir Jarle Ness: Correlation of sequences of different lengths and related topics
Ph.d. Thomas Tjøstheim: Security Analysis of Electronic Voting and Online Banking Systems
Ph.d. Irina Naydenova: Error detection and correction for symmetric and asymmetric channels
Ph.d. Karl Trygve Kalleberg: Abstractions for Language-Independent Program Transformations
Doktorgradar, 2006
Ph.d. Bjarte Dysvik Analyse av genetiske uttrykksprofiler
Ph.d. Vebjørn Moen: Vulnerabilities in Distributed Systems
Ph.d. Lennart Frimannslund: On Curvature and Separability in Unconstrained Optimisation
Ph.d. Hoang Anh Truong: Type Systems for Guaranteeing Resource Bounds of Component Software
Ph.d. Yngve Villanger: New methods on minimal triangulations
Ph.d. Christian Sloper: Techniques in parameterized algorithm design
Doktorgradar, 2005
Dr.scient Pål Ellingsen: Iterative decoding for the Z-channel and related topics
Ph.d. John Erik Mathiassen: Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers and Hash Functions
Ph.d. Håvard Molland: New Methods for Crypt Analysis of Stream Ciphers
Ph.d. Sin Cheung Ho: Tabu Search Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems
Dr.scient. Ketil Malde: Algorithms for the Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags
Dr.scient. Håvard Raddum: Cryptanalytic Methods for Block Cipher Encryption Schemes
Doktorgradar, 2004
Ph.d. Alexa Anderlik: Structural properties of DDAs and their application to parallel programming.
Ph.d. Borislav Minchev: Exponential Integrators for Semi-linear Problems.
Dr.scient. Trond Hellem B: Feature selection, classification and imputation methods for microarray gene expression data
Dr.scient. Thomas Ågotnes: A Logic of Finite Syntactic Epistemic States.
Doktorgradar, 2003
Dr.scient. Stein Krogstad: Topics in Numerical Lie Group Integration
Dr.scient. Yasemin Yalcinkaya: Reducing the Effect of Old History in Asynchronous Iterations: An Empirical Study
Dr.scient. Ragnhild Blikberg: Nested Parallelism in OpenMP with Application to Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
Dr.scient. Assefaw Gebremedhin: Practical Parallel Algorithms for Graph Coloring Problems in Numerical Optimization.
Dr.scient. Eirik Rosnes: Structural Properties of High Rate Convolutional and Turbo Codes and Related Topics.
Dr.scient. Yngve Lamo: The institution of Multialgebras - a general framework for algebraic software development.
Dr.scient Petter Kristiansen: New results on the domination chain, graph homomorphisms, alliances, and self-stabilizing algorithms.
Doktorgradar, 2002
Dr.scient. Thierry Matthey: Framework Design, Parallelization and Force Computation in Molecular Dynamics.
Dr.scient. Hans Georg Schaathun: Support Weights in Linear Codes and Projective Multisets.
Dr.scient. Kjell Petersen: Zinc finger protein modelling using GADGET – Genetic Algorithm and Distance Geometry for Exploring Topology
Dr.philos Magne Haveraaen: Coordinate free numerics – A software approach to scientific computing
Doktorgradar, 2000
Dr.scient. Peter Ølveczky: Specification and Analysis of Real-Time and Hybrid Systems in Rewriting Logic.
Dr.scient. Sigrid Lise Nonås: Modeling and production planning for complex multi-item systems.
Dr.scient. Bjørn Peter Tjøstheim: A study of fourth order elliptic problems with constant coefficients in two and three dimensions
Dr.scient. Kenth Eng: Topics in Numerical Geometric Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Dr.scient. Helge Avlesen: The analysis of some time-stepping schemes in ocean models. Their discretization error, consistency and convergence.
Dr.scient. Bjørn Jæger: Traffic Restoration in Survivable Wide Area Communication Networks
Dr.scient. Venansius Baryamureeba: Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Dr.scient. Halvard Movik Martinsen: Sequence Design and Correlation
Dr.scient. Talal Rahman: Additive Schwarz methods for some elliptic problems
Doktorgradar, 1998
Dr.scient. Abul K.M. Shahadat Hossain: On the Computation of Sparse Jacobian Matrices and Newton Steps
Dr.scient. Chunming Rong: Computational Analysis in Algebraic Decoding, APN-Mappings and t-Designs
Dr.scient. Rolf Erstad: Coding and Decoding of High Density Magnetic Recording Systems
Dr.scient. Tore Burheim Restricted Feature Structure Grammars
Doktorgradar, 1997
Dr.scient. Eero Vainikko: Robust Additive Schwarz Methods - Parallel Implementations and Applications
Doktorgradar, 1996
Dr.scient. Pinar Heggernes: Partitioning and Ordering Graphs for Sparse Matrix Computations
Dr.scient. Inge Jonassen: Methods for finding motifs in sets of related biosequences
Dr.scient. Richard Elling Moe: First order typed feature structures
Dr.scient. Anca Vermesan: Developing Verifiable Knowledge Systems
Doktorgradar, 1995
Dr.scient. Marianne Fjelltveit Hole: High rate convolutional codes: low complexity decoding and structural analysis.
Dr.scient. Arne Løkketangen: Tabu search as a metaheuristic guide for combinatorial optimization problems.
Dr.scient. Torill Hamre: Development of semantic spatio-temporal data models for integration of remote sensing and in situ data in a marine information system (MIS).
Doktorgradar, 1994
Dr.scient. Erik Rønneberg Hauge: DeBruijn sequences and non-linear recursion.
Dr.scient. Carsten Helgesen: Approximate pattern matching : algorithms and applications in molecular biology.
Doktorgradar, 1993
Dr.scient. Terje Kårstad: Massively parallel algorithms in reservoir simulation.
Dr.philos. Johan Christopher Giertsen: Volume visualization of numerical simulation data.
Dr.scient. Fredrik Manne: Load balancing in parallel sparse matrix computations.
Dr.scient. Michal Walicki: Algebraic specifications of nondeterminism.
Dr.scient. Nils Jacob Berland: Stochastic optimization and parallel processing.
Doktorgradar, 1992
Dr.philos. Sylvia Borissova Encheva: Optimal binary linear codes.
Dr.scient. Sven-Olai Høyland: Bin-packing in "1.5 dimension" and variants of the Next-fit rule for one-dimensional packing.
Dr.scient. Trond-Henning Olesen: Parallel sparse matrix algorithms.
Dr.scient. Randi Moe: Iterative local uniform mesh refinement methods and parallel processing.
Dr.scient. Morten Dahlberg Skogen: Parallel Schwarz methods.
Doktorgradar, 1991
Dr.scient. Dag Haugland: Optimization methods for blending models in oil refineries.
Dr.scient. Kjell Jørgen Hole: Punctured convolutional codes and their applications.
Doktorgradar, 1990
Dr.scient. Bjørnar Tessem: Interval representation of uncertainty in artificial intelligence.
Dr.scient. Anders Hvidsten: A parallel implementation of the finite element program SESTRA.
Doktorgradar, 1989
Dr.scient. Øyvind Ytrehus: Codes for error control.
Dr.philos. Terje O. Espelid: Multidimensional numerical integration.
Doktorgradar, 1988
Dr.scient. Tor Sørevik: Reliable and efficient algorithms for adaptive quadrature.
Dr.scient. Khalid Azim Mughal: Generation of runtime facilities for program editors.
Doktorgradar, 1985
Dr.scient. Jarle Berntsen: Development and testing of automatic numerical integration routines for three dimensional integrals.
Doktorgradar, 1984
Dr.scient. Stein W. Wallace: Enumerative methods for stochastic programs with network recourse.