Progress in Radiology 2018


Wednesday June 13th

9.00-1200            Hospital visit at Haukeland University Hospital

9.00                       Pickup outside Grand Hotel Terminus

9.30-11.00           Introduction to the Norwegian Public Health System and to the hospital – and imaging facilities at Haukeland University Hospital. Auditorium Central Building (H-113)

9.30-09.50           Public Health System in Norway and History of Haukeland University Hospital (MD Gesche Neckelmann)

09.50-10.20        Imaging Facilities and Core Activities at Dep. of Radiology, Haukeland University Hospital (Head of Dep. of Radiology Aslak Aslaksen)

10.05-10.20        Imaging Facilities and Core Activities at the PET Centre, Haukeland University Hospital (Head of PET Centre, Nina Kleven Madsen)

10.20 - 10.30     COFFEE BREAK

10.30-11.00        Thyroid Cancer – Imaging markers for individualized treatment. Prof. Martin Biermann, Haukeland University Hospital

11.00-11.45        Walk with visit at the PET Centre and at the Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre

11.45                     Return by bus to Grand Hotel Terminus


14.00-18.00 Guided City Sightseeing by bus and Guided Tour and Concert at Edvard Grieg Museum, Troldhaugen. The tour starts outside Grand Hotel Terminus and ends at Håkonshallen. 

18.00   Reception by the municipality of Bergen at Håkonshallen (with drinks and a light meal) 


19.00 Walk from Håkonshallen to the Grand Hotel Terminus past Bryggen



Thursday June 14th


08.30                     Registration and Coffee

09.00-09.05        Opening remarks by President of Progress in Radiology 2018 Professor Ingfrid Haldorsen

09.05-10.25        Breast (Moderators: Peter Dean and Hiroko Tsunoda) (8 presentations)

09.05-09.15 Breast Cancer Tumor Features According to the Site of Origin: A descriptive classification with illustrative examples. Peter Dean, Turku, Finland

09.15-09.25 Digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography: recall rate by mammographic density - interim analyses. Hildegunn Aase, Bergen, Norway

09.25-09.35 Prevalence of Mammographically Dense Breasts in Yamagata, Japan. Megumi Kuchiki, Yamagata, Japan

09.35-09.45 How Japan Handles Dense Breasts in Breast Cancer Screening. Hiroko Tsunoda, Tokyo, Japan

09.45-09.55 Diffusion-Weighted Whole-Body Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression (DWIBS) Mammography for Screening Women with Dense Breasts: a Feasibility Study. Takayoshi Uematsu, Shizuoka, Japan

09.55-10.05 Sonographic features can predict pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy among triple-negative and HER2-positive breast cancer. Tomohiro Ochi, Tokyo, Japan

10.05-10.15 Long-term outcomes in patients treated with whole-breast irradiation after breast-conserving surgery, Yoshio Monzen, Nagasaki, Japan

10.15-10.25 Readout-segmented echo-planar diffusion-weighted images during breast magnetic resonance imaging: a clinical application. Satoshi Honda, Tokyo, Japan       


10.25-10.45        Break


10.45-11.45        Precision Imaging Initiative at Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization (MMIV) Center Relevant for SJRS (Moderators: Aslak Aslaksen and Tetsuhisa Yamada)

10.45-11.00        Renate Grüner, MMIV Center Leader: “Precision imaging in neurologic disease” (15 min)

11.00-11.15        Arvid Lundervold: “Machine Learning for Precision Imaging” (15 min)

11.15-11.30        Ingfrid Haldorsen: Precision Imaging in Gynecologic Cancer (15 minutes)

11.30-11.45        Noeska Smith: Precision imaging in rectal cancer (15 minutes)

11.45-12.00        Latest state of the art imaging technology by Nordic Neurolab (gold sponsor)


12.00-13.00        Lunch in the exhibition area with sponsors/vendors/posters


13.00-14.20        Abdominal and cardiac/chest imaging (Moderators Kazunori Kuroki and Anselm Schultz) (8 presentations)

13.00-13.10 From Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced liver MRI with global liver function evaluation. Nils Dahlstrøm, Linkøping, Sweden.

13.10-13.20 MRI assessed tumor free distance to serosa predicts deep myometrial invasion and poor prognosis in EC. Julie Andrea Dybvik, Bergen, Norway

13.20-13.30 Pancreatic fatty infiltration at Dixon-MRI is a marker of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis (CF) - a comparison of pancreatic echogenicity at US and pancreatic fat content by MRI. Giedre Kavaliauskiene, Oslo, Norway

                13.30-13.40 Imaging features of adnexal torsion. Aya Yamane, Kanagawa, Japan

13.40-13.50 High abdominal fat content and high visceral fat proportion are associated with advanced FIGO stage in endometrial cancer. Kristine Fasmer, Bergen, Norway

13.50-14.00 Efficacy of Adrenal Venous Sampling in Primary Aldosteronism. Soma Kumasaka, Gunma, Japan

14.00-14.10 Effect of the left atrial diameter on the quality image in coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Tien Nguyen-Cong, Gunma, Japan

14.10-14.20 Improved three-dimensional CT image quality of high contrast anatomies with an ultra-high-resolution CT scanner: initial clinical experience. Haruhiko Machida, Tokyo, Japan


14.20-15.00        Break in the exhibition area

15.00-16.00        Neuroimaging (Moderators: Gesche Neckelmann and Takaaki Hosoya) (6 presentations)        

15.00-15.10 Magnetic resonance imaging of the neck in patients presenting symptoms of neck infection in emergency setting. Janne Nurminen, Turku, Finland

15.10-15.20 Methodological considerations in designing olfactory fMRI studies. Charalampos Georgiopoulos, Linkøping, Sweden

15.20-15.30 CT baseline findings that predict progressive paranasal sinus disease in granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Sigrun Skaar Holme, Oslo, Norway

15.30-15.40 Longitudinal stability of the brain functional connectome is associated with episodic memory performance. Olga Therese Ousdal, Bergen, Norway

15.40-15.50 A population study of Norwegian psychiatric patients referred for clinical brain scanning. Mona Beyer, Oslo, Norway

15.50-16.00 Multi-b-value, multi-echo characterization of water diffusion within infarcted tissue. Leif Oltedal, Bergen, Norway


16.00-17.00        The Scandinavian Japanese Radiological Society (SJRS) - Historic impact and future directions. Moderators: Prof Ingfrid Haldorsen, Prof. Tetsuhisa Yamada (former President of «Progress in Radiology 2016)

Historic impact of SJRS for the exchange of scientifically based radiological skills and building professional networks amongst:

16.00-16.10        Japanese Radiologists (Professor Hiroyuki Tajima, President Japanese Board of SJRS, Nippon Medical School)

16.10-16.20        Scandinavian Radiologists (Professor Frode Lærum former President of “Progress in Radiology” in Oslo in 2001)


Future directions of SJRS to increase the potential impact of the society in years to come:

16.20-16.30        Perspectives from Japan. Professor Masamitsu Hatakenaka, President of «Progress in Radiology 2020”

16.30-16.40        Perspectives from Scandinavia. Professor Jarmo Reponen, Vice President of “Progress in Radiology 2014”

16.40-17.00        Plenary discussion










Social program

19.00-22.30        Gala dinner at Fløyen




Friday June 15th

08.00-08.45        International Board Meeting (by invitation only)

08.45-09.45        Oncologic Imaging (Moderators: Rimma Axelson and Yoshio Monzen) (6 presentations)

08.45-08.55 Preoperative tumor texture analysis on MRI predicts high-risk disease and reduced survival in endometrial cancer, Sigmund Ytre-Hauge, Bergen, Norway

08.55-09.05 ADC value negatively correlates to regional pathological grades of uterine endometrioid carcinoma. Maki Onodera, Sapporo, Japan

09.05-09.15 ADC calculated with b-values of 0 and 1500 sec/mm2 would be superior to that with 100 and 1000 sec/mm2 in prostate cancer. Masamitsu Hatakenaka, Sapporo, Japan

09.15-09.25 Can 18F-FDG PET predict the response to 131I radioactive iodine ablation therapy in metastatic differentiated thyroide carcinoma? Xieyi Zhang, Gunma, Japan

09.25-09.35 FDG-PET/CT evaluation of histological response after neoadjuvant treatment in patients with cancer of the oesophagus or gastroesophageal junction. Stefan Gabrielson, Stockholm, Sweden

09.35-09.45 Entropy from Preoperative CT Texture Analysis – A Potential Imaging Biomarker for Early Recurrence after Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases. Anselm Schultz, Oslo, Norway.              

09.45-10.00        Latest state-of-the-art imaging technology by Sectra Medical Education and Training

10.00-10.15        Break/Coffee

10.15-11.45        Intervention (Moderators: Hiroyuki Tajima and Mona Beyer (9 presentations)

10.15-10.25 Transvenous Coil Embolization for a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula with Angiographically Isolated Transverse-Sigmoid Sinus: Multiple Microcatheter Technique via a Modern Triaxial System. Takahiko Mine, Copenhagen, Denmark

10.25-10.35 C-Arm Cone-Beam CT-guided needle biopsies with prone position through the erector spinal muscle for posterior thoracic pulmonary nodules. Nobuyuki Takeyama. Yokohama, Japan

10.35-10.45 Clinical Assessment of Interventional Radiology for the Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism. Hiroyuki Tajima, Kawasaki, Japan

10.45-10.55 Wide-necked Renal Saccular Artery Aneurysms: Long-term outcome of balloon assisted coil embolization. Tetsuhisa Yamada, Tokyo, Japan

10.55-11.05 Endovascular Treatment of Type Ia Endoleak Using N-butyl Cyanoacrylate Embolization and Proximal Cuff Placement. Akio Kotake, Yokohama, Japan

11.05-11.15 Percutaneous intervention for tricuspid valve vegetation under intracardiac echocardiographic guidance. Daisuke Yasui, Tokyo, Japan

11.15-11.25 Balloon-assisted transcatheter arterial n-butyl cyanoacrylate embolization of femoral artery bleeding. Tatsuo Ueda, Tokyo, Japan

11.25-11.35 Efficacy and safety of transcatheter arterial embolization with N-butyl Cyanoacrylate for acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Izumi Tanaka, Tokyo, Japan

11.35-11.45 Changes in aortic wall thickness related to onset of acute aortic dissection on contrast enhanced computed tomography. Hidemaso Saito, Tokyo, Japan

11.45-12.00        Latest state-of-the-art imaging technology by Siemens


12.00-13.00        Lunch in the exhibition area with sponsors/vendors


13.00-13.40        PACS/informatics and education (Moderators: Finn Mathiesen and Anders Persson) (4 presentations)

13.00-13.10 European Training Assessment Program (ETAP 2.0) in Radiology. Hannu Aronen, Turku, Finland

13.10-13.20 Integration of medical imaging storages using a patient-based PACS system. Takahito Nakajima, Gunma, Japan

13.20-13.30 PACS is coming to the era of cloud storage. Hioshi Kondah, Yonago, Japan

13.30-13.40 Semiautomated segmentation of body composition in abdominal CT images using SliceOmatic – Inter- and intraobserver variation. Lisa J Kjoenigsen, Oslo, Norway


13.40-14.40        Musculoskeletal radiology and miscellaneous (Moderators: Jenny Husby and Hiroshi Kondo) (6 presentations)

13.40-13.50 Extra-osseous uptake of bone scintigraphic agent DPD. Tore Bach-Gansmo, Oslo, Norway

13.50-14.00 Diagnosis of peri-prosthetic infection at the hip using standard uptake value of 99mTc-bone SPECT. Naoya Yama, Sapporo, Japan

14.00-14.10 KORTUC for lytic bone metastasis. Shiro Obata, Nagasaki, Japan

14.10-14.20 Future perspectives in quantitative forensic radiology. Anders Persson, Linkøping, Sweden

14.20-14.30 Incident/Accident Reports in the Radiology Department of Gunma University Hospital. Kazuhiro Kishi, Gunma, Japan


14.30-14.40 Evaluation of eye lens dose for percutaneous coronary intervention. Yuko Seki, Gunma, Japan


14.40-15.00        Break


15.00-15.40        Nuclear Medicine (Moderators: Hannu Aronen and Tore Bach-Gansmo) (4 presentations)

15.00-15.10 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT- a magic bullet? Rimma Axelsson, Stockholm, Sweden

15.10-15.20 Introduction to opportunistic screening using 3T PET/MR. Eriko Maeda,Tokyo,  Japan

15.20-15.30 A single comparison of diffusion-weighted whole body MRI with background body signal suppression (DWIBS) and FDG-PET/CT for the renal pelvic cancer. Tsuyoshi Yoshida, Fukuoka, Japan

15.30-15.40 Analysis of GBCAs Deposition Mechanism by HPKC tandem ICP-MS in Mice Following Single Dose Administration. Putri Andriana, Gunma, Japan


15.40-16.00        Closing remarks by Ingfrid Haldorsen and Masamitsu Hatakenaka