Det juridiske fakultet

The Hybrid Battlefield of Fibre Optic Communication Cables

Under vann.


Submarine fibre optic cables are one of the most critical infrastructures of our time, carrying more than 95% of all electronic communications. This makes them a focal point for hybrid threats, both as a conduit for cyber-attacks etc. and as a target for sabotage. The conference will explore how fibre optic cables are or can be subject to legal measures to protect national security. 

The first part of the conference sets the scene by introducing the concept of hybrid threats and the critical importance of fibre optic communication cables. 

The second part focuses on how to protect submarine cables from sabotage. It will explore the possibilities and limitations under international and national law, in particular outside the maritime territories. Recent events in the Baltic Sea will be used as an example. 

The third part focuses on the bulk interception of communication cables, which has become an important tool for intelligence services. It will examine how national legislation in the Nordic countries, Germany and the Netherlands has evolved in the interplay between national security interests and human rights, in particular the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. 
