


Coincidence Analysis (CNA) er en konfigurasjons-komparativ metode for kausalanalyser av empiriske data som modellerer de boolske dimensjonene av kausalstrukturer. Prosjektet videreutvikler CNA. Det er medfinansiert av Universitetet i Bergen og Bergens forskningsstiftelse som en del av Toppforsk-programmet. For mer informasjon, se lenke nedenfor til prosjektets engelske sider.

For more details see the English website.

Genetics in Medicine

CNA applied in Genetics in Medicine

Deborah Cragun, Zachary M. Salvati, Jennifer L. Schneider, et al. use CNA to identify factors and causal chains associated with optimal implementation of Lynch syndrome tumor screening.


New publication from the CNA group

Michael Baumgartner and Christoph Falk published a paper entitled "Quantifying the quality of configurational causal models" in the Journal of Causal Inference. The paper introduces quantitative quality criteria for causal models output by CNA. Thereby, it broadens and sharpens the resources for CNA...

causalHyperGraph Logo

New R package for drawing causal Hypergraphs

Christoph Falk, Mathias Ambühl, and Michael Baumgartner released a new R package called causalHyperGraph on CRAN. It draws causal Hypergraphs from solution formulas of the CNA method.

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New paper on data imbalances in CNA

Martyna Swiatczak and Michael Baumgartner investigate the conditions under which data imbalances are problematic for the performance of Coincidence Analysis (CNA).


New measures for evaluating CNA models

Luna De Souter identifies shortcomings of the two main measures for evaluating CNA models, consistency and coverage, and introduces two new evaluation measures.