UiB læringslab
Teknologi for læring

Workshop om globale klasserom

Undervise sammen med kolleger fra andre institusjoner, verden rundt? La studenter møtes og lære av hverandre på nett? Matthew Russell deler erfaringer fra pedagogisk utviklingsareid ved University of Texas at Austin.

fra UiB læringslab
Simon Brandseth


Med deg fra workshopen får du nyttige tips om planlegging av felles undervisning på tvers av institusjonsgrenser og konkrete råd om pedagogiske strategier som virker i globale klasserom.

Her kan du se hvordan de jobber med og i globale klasserom ved University of Texas.   

Om Matthew Russell:
Matthew Russell (Ph.D.) is an Educational Consultant in the Faculty Innovation Center at the University of Texas at Austin. He supports course development projects and coordinates resources in support of numerous curricular projects. He works with faculty to plan and develop online and blended courses in Canvas, and assists faculty with the development of projects related to instructional improvement and related strategies.  In the FIC, Matthew has helped developed the online instructional resources, Deeper Dive Instructional Guides (DDIG), by designing them within Canvas.  He is the primary contact for the "Architecting Online Courses" DDIG.  He has designed and consults on the use of "CViz," a curriculum visualization tool available to UT departments and programs.  He also coordinates the International Office's five-year Global Classroom initiative in the FIC, providing instructional guidance for intercultural learning and technical guidance as it relates to using online technologies to connect with partner institutions abroad. 

At his previous institution, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Matthew was a blended and online course design consultant, lecturer in Comparative Literature, and founding co-director of the UWM Libraries Digital Humanities Lab.  He remains engaged in issues related to developments in the digital humanities as well as conversant with new and emerging tools in digital scholarship.  He welcomes the opportunity to provide in-class workshops that introduce educational technologies for students in courses at UT.  Matthew currently teaches in the Liberal Arts Honors program at UT-Austin.  He is an experienced instructor of face-to-face, online and blended courses.  He has presented at numerous conferences, delivered workshops, published research, and been awarded grants for the use of instructional technologies and strategies.