Neuro-SysMed (NSM)

Neuro-SysMed Junior Scientist Symposium, 18. oktober 2024

Velkommen til NEUROSYSM910, Neuro-SysMeds symposium for yngre forskere!

Junior Scientist Symposium logo and a futuristic illustration of a brain.


(Videre tekst på engelsk siden undervisningsspråket på dette kurset er engelsk.)

Explore new frontiers with the young Neuro-SysMed researchers in this excellent arena to obtain valuable skills in presentation techniques, engage in scientific discussions and take advantage of peer reviews and comments. Learn about current research within MS, Parkinson’s disease, dementia and ALS! Senior researchers are also welcome. Lunch is included.

Place: Room 3B109F, the "konferanserom" across the auditoria, BB building (campus Haukeland University Hospital)

Time: Friday October 18, 2024 at 09.00-13.00

Registration: through this link.

Shamundeeswari Anandan is academic responsible for the symposium series. Håkon Olsen is chair for this symposium.

Lecture language: English


09:00-09:10 Organizers:Welcome and introduction
09:10–10:10Oliver Vanderpoorten, MSCA Fellow, Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø:“NANOSPACER: Nanofluidic sizing of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and biomacromolecules in solution”
10:10–10:30 Coffee break 
10:30–10:55Vladan Milosevic, Department of Clinical Medicine, UiB:"The use of imaging mass cytometry for in depth profiling of the tumour microenvironment”
10:55–11:20Brit Ellen Rød, Neuro-SysMed, UiB:“Comparative effectiveness of rituximab vs cladribine in patients with relapsing-remitting MS”
12:00–12:25Amy van den Hooven, Neuro-SysMed, UiB:"Clinic of the Future: Designing Dialogues for Care”
12:25–12:50Emma Rigg, Department of Biomedicine, UiB:"Influence of miR-146a-5p in brain metastatic development"
12:50–13:00Organizers:Concluding remarks
