Rosefamiliens evolusjon


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Rosaceae Evolution research group

Image of Rubus chamaemorus
Torsten Eriksson


The Rosaceae Evolution research group currently consists of four senior researchers and two graduate students.

Torsten Eriksson (group leader) works on the phylogeny of Rosaceae, Rosoideae and subgroups. Current projects include the polyploid evolution of Fragaria, and the relationships of Sibbaldia.

Jenny Smedmark

Heidi Lie Andersen

Per Harald Salvesen

Houda Parsian (graduate student)

Nannie Persson (graduate student) works on resolving the evolutionary relationships within a large subclade of the genus Potentilla (cinquefoils).


Previous master students

Ingrid Toresen investigated the unstable position of the Tormentilla clade of Potentilla.

Ardian Høgøy Abaz worked on the position of Rubus [brambles and raspberries etc] in the Rosoideae clade.