Going to the EU/EEA
More information about social security, health rights and Euraxess service centres in the EU/EEA.
Membership in the National Insurance Scheme
If you are a Norwegian citizen or an EU/EEA citizen and will be on a research stay in the EU/EEA, you are considered a mandatory member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme. However, it may still be necessary to submit an application to NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) for confirmation of your membership if you will be staying for more than one year or if you will be receiving benefits from NAV. See information about applying for membership here.
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizens you must apply for membership.
Health Rights
The European Health Insurance Card documents your entitlement to essential healthcare coverage in another EEA country under the same conditions as the host country's own citizens. You should carry the card with you if you will be temporarily staying in another EEA country or in Switzerland. (helfo.no)
If you will be staying in another EU/EEA country for more than three months, you must request the S1 certificate of entitlement. See more information about this here.
If you do not qualify for a European Health Insurance card, you can still be issued a paperversion of this card with equal rights when you are a posted worker to a EU/EEA country. Contact HELFO
The University of Bergen is in a network of more than 600 Euraxess centre. Euraxess provides a country database with useful information about various countries and universities in Europe. On their website, you can select the host country and find practical and helpful information about the country or institution you will be visiting. Visit euraxess.no for Information Search.
We are also available to facilitate contact with staff at Euraxess service centers for more detailed information about the host institution if necessary.