Anne Marte completes her Master degree
Anne Marte has studied whether environmental enrichment affect feeding behavior in juvenile salmon.

Anne Marte Fauske successfully defended her thesis "Betydinga av oppvekstmiljø for fødeåtferd hjå lakseyngel" (Effect of rearing environment on the feeding behavior of juvenile salmon”) on the 22nd May 2017. Anne Marte studied whether juveniles reared in enriched and non-enriched rearing environments differed in their ability to shift from feeding on pellets to take live prey. She found that the feeding patterns differed. Enriched juveniles were initially slower to take live prey and thus more reserved than the non-enriched ones, but subsequently increased faster than the non-enriched in the number live prey ingested. The data also indicated a tendency of higher proportion of enriched juveniles than the non-enriched ones taking one or more live prey.
The external examiner was Dr. Anne Christine Utne-Palm from the Institute of Marine Research and the BIO examiner was Odd Andre Karlsen. Anne-Christine is an EvoFish alumnus and is well experienced in aquarium experiments on fish behavior.
The thesis has been supervised by Anne Gro Vea Salvanes and Knut Helge Jensen.