Quality in Education Action Plan
We learn. Through a broad range of study programmes, the University of Bergen educates candidates who are prepared to contribute towards a society based on knowledge, expertise and democratic values.
Education is the cornerstone of the University of Bergen’s Vision of Knowledge that forms the Community. This plan of action contributes to systematic and targeted work regarding the quali-ty of education, for the good of the students, the university and the community around us:
- Through high quality education, our candidates develop knowledge, skills and personal char-acteristics.
- Through the development of high-quality education, we are building self-understanding and integrity in the university community.
- By offering high quality education, the University of Bergen helps to fulfill society’s needs for qualified workers and for critical, reflected citizens.
The plan of action builds on three main principles:
The student is central. The quality of education is reflected in students’ experiences; what they learn and how they develop both professionally and as people throughout their studies. At the University of Bergen, the types of education offered yield academic and professional outcomes at high levels. They also provide meaningful correspondence between learning outcomes, teaching and assessment. Through their studies at the University of Bergen, students develop their academic formation and are included in strong environments where far-reaching aca-demic opportunities are available. They develop good tools for learning, within a solid physical, digital and academic-social framework.
Culture of quality. At the University of Bergen, the quality of education is a collective respon-sibility. All staff, leadership and students are aware of their role, responsibility and their op-portunities to contribute to educational quality. The University of Bergen provides assistance, support and recognition so that everyone can contribute in the best possible way. The term ‘educators’ includes all who teach as part of their work duties, and the educational community includes all student and staff groups at the University of Bergen.
An open university. The University of Bergen is open to society and the world. We seek solu-tions with the help of new technologies, and across subjects and disciplines. Through early 3experience of research and work life, including interdisciplinarity, equality, inclusion of foreign students and staff, international exchanges and academic community, students’ willingness to learn, to critical thinking and creativity are stimulated.
The present plan of action makes the programmes of study accountable, with programme and depart-ment heads, educators and administrative staff representing the operational level. This also presupposes accountability and follow-up through the departments and faculties.
The plan of action is anchored in the University of Bergen’s strategy ”Ocean, life, society 2016–2022”, the White Paper ”Culture for Quality in Higher Education”, the national Quality Regulations and Academic Su-pervision Regulations. The plan complements and should be seen in relation to the University of Bergen’s other plans of action. These plans include: Internationalization, The learning environment, Further educa-tion, Equality, Diversity and Cooperation with working life. Those objectives and measures within these which are also relevant to educational quality are therefore not included here.
In the four prioritized areas of the plan of action, sub-objectives and activities are directed towards Education’s form and content, Students and staff as participants in a learning Community, Education manage-ment and infrastructure.
Read the action plan here (PDF)