A successful Magellan Workshop
September 6th to 8th we arranged the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme in Bergen, at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research. The goal was to discuss to plan and draft up an IODP proposal for JR-style drilling of a series of holes on and off axis of the SKR to assess the cycling of carbon and consequences for life in sediments and shallow basement.
The Magellan IODP workshop hosted by the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research on Sep 6-8 turned out successfully.
Two and a half day of exciting presentations followed by extensive discussions resulted in a roadmap guiding the processes that eventually will lead us to a final IODP proposal aimed at deep drilling in the North Atlantic Spreading Ridge System.
The aim of the workshop was to frame and sharpen scientific objectives, select drill sites and expose potential risks related to deep drilling of the North Atlantic Spreading Ridge System and thereby laying the cornerstones for an IODP drill proposal. With the help of all the participants it is fair to say that these aims were achieved.
We thank all the participants for critical input and ECORD for funding.