Senter for klima og energiomstilling (CET)


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Master's student at CET

Are you a master's student working on topics related to climate and energy transformation? Then you are eligible for a workspace at CET. Apply by June 15th.

Graphic of a person with CET logo on their t shirt with text "CET Master's student
Are you a Master's student writing about climate or energy? Apply for a workspace at CET!


We have two workspaces at CET available for dedicated students working with topics related to CET’s activities. The workspaces are available for students from all disciplines who will benefit from working within an interdisciplinary study environment. Many of our students go on to work within academia, as PhD students and research assistants. CET Master’s students are encouraged to have CET as their main workspace and to be part of the CET community. 

Application deadline: 15th of June every year. To apply, fill in this form.

Why become a CET Master's student?

  • Proximity to CET staff and researchers, who can contribute with inputs and advice in your writing process.
  • You will be allocated a CET mentor who is relevant to your work. 
  • A private workspace at CET together with CET’s PhD candidates and research assistants.
  • Attend our regular CET Lunches and other events at the centre.
  • Students are encouraged to join internal seminars and meetings including works-in-progress seminars.
  • Every February/March CET organises the CET Master Seminar where you present and get feedback on your research.
  • Be part of a dynamic and engaging research centre.
  • CET offers a starting stipend of 10,000 NOK and the possibility to apply for extra funding for conferences/workshops/seminars.

Read what former master's students say about being a part of CET.

We welcome master's students from all disciplines to apply. In 2024/2025 we have two spaces available. The CET master student spaces are available from the 12th of August to the 30th of June each year.

Master students 2023/2024

  • Maria Thomassen, Department of Sociology

  • Yas Jilardi, System Dynamics, Department of Geography.

  • Tekla Vollen, Department of information and media sciences.

  • Ecem Bilgin, Department of Government.

  • Richard Andresen, Master in Sustainability

Group of 5 women smiling to the camera

Master theses from former CET Master Students:


group of students smiling to the camera

Emilie Flønes, Department of Health Promotion and Development

Supervisor Marguerite Daniel

Ingrid Cardoso Couto de Azevedo, Department of Global Publis Health and Primary Care

Supervisor Ole Fridtjof Norheim og Anand Bhopal

Juni Lund, Department of Comparative Politics

Glocal politics: Local political parties and GHG emissions in Norwegian municipalities, 2009- 2021 -

Supervisor: Michaël Tatham

Lars Fiskaa, Department of Government

What Norwegian voters want: Opinions on energy sources and party preferences 

Supervisor: Endre Tvinnereim

Susanne Christensen, Department of Social Anthropology

Et antropologisk studie av hordfast 

Supervisor: Ståle Knudsen

Thea Vestad, Faculty of Law

Konkurranserettslige grenser og muligheter for bærekraftsamarbeid etter TEUV art. 101 tredje ledd

Supervisor: Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui


4 women and one male smiling to the camera
Janne Bjørgan/CET

Veera Ylipieti, Department of Geography

Sustainability reporting as a matter of social contract: management and geographical perspective

Supervisor: Grete Rusten

Sina Storelv, Department of Psychosocial Science

Why Do People (Not) Worry About Climate Change? Insights From Answers to an Open-Ended Survey Question in Norway

Supervisor: Rouven Doran

Helene Othilie Drevland, Department of Geography

Perceptions of individual lifestyle changes in Norway's sustainability transition  

Supervisor: Connor Cavanagh 

Ronya Reitan Solberg, Department of Geography

Bærekraftig fiskeri, governance og tid - lokalsamfunnsperspektiver på hva en fremtidig fiskeriregulering kan innebære (Sustainable fishery, governance and time – perspectives from local society on the implications of future regulations on fishery)

Supervisor: Knut Hidle

Aleksander Bergli, Department of Foreign Languages

Working title: Climate change and Russian media

Supervisor: Irina Anisimova 


5 young women standing outside old buildings
Judith Dalsgård/CET

Kjersti Sollund Hegsbro, Department of Geography

Original title: En forbruksbasert tilnærming til klimaomstilling

Supervisor:Håvard Haarstad og Tarje Wanvik 

Solveig Høegh-Krohn, Department of information and media studies

Green Journalism: Critical discourse of climate journalism

Supervisor: Martin Eide       

Devyn Remme, Department of Geography

Mind the Gap: Dynamic social inclusion and sustainable mobility in Bergen, Norway

Supervisor: Siddharth Sareena and Håvard Haarstad

Anniken Williams, Department of Health Promotion and Development

Masculinity v. Mitigation: Exploring the Gendered Perceptions of Individual Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

Supervisor: Haldis Haukanes

Sarah-Helmine Stokke, Faculty of Law 

Original title: Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon i møte med klimaendringene – En analyse av medlemsstatenes plikt til å sikre borgerne mot konsekvensene av klimaendringene


Kjersti Kalberg, Department of Organisation and Administration Theory

Original title: Innovasjon og utvikling i energimarkedet- En studie av markedet for solceller i Bergensregionen

Supervisor: Thor Øivind Jensen


5 women standing outside of the social sciences fakulty
Judith Dalsgård/CET

Synnøve Beitnes, Department of Geography

Summer Drought 2018: A case study of agricultural resilience to extreme weather conditions and development of climate adaptation strategies 

Original title: Tørkesommeren 2018: En casestudie av jordbrukets resiliens til ekstremværhendelser og utvikling av klimatilpasningsstrategier

Supervisor: Kerstin Potthoff & Birgit Kopainsky

Amber Nordholm, Department of Geography

Scales of Energy Justice: Solar power and energy poverty alleviation

Supervisor: Siddharth Sareen

Siri Reintz Kleppe, Department of Sociology

Cultivating social change: Urban gardening as a manifestation of individuals needs and community concerns.  

Original title: Kultivere sosial endring: Urban dyrking som manifestering av individers behov og samfunnsbekymringer 

Supervisor: Atle Møen

Katharina Leucht, Agrobiology at Århus University & Department of Geography

Radishes in the rain: Exploring barriers of urban gardening in Bergen. 

Supervisor: Peter Andersen

Mina Måsvær Halle, Department of Comparative Politics

Local climate adaptation: Identifying opportunities and challenges for using climate knowledge in municipal decision making. 

Supervisor: Anne Lise Fimreite

Sarah Mashhadi, Department of Geography - Systems Dynamic

Can Germany Move Towards 100% Renewables Without Major Problems? 

Supervisor: Erling Moxnes


4 students sitting outside of the social sciences building
Judith Dalsgård

Marita Johansen, Department of Health Promotion and Development (HEMIL)

Bringing together Quality of Life and Climate Change: From the perspectives of two ecovillages 

Supervisor: Fungisai Puleng Gwanzura Ottemoller and Matthew Stiller-Reeves

Marianne B. Willassen, Department of Geography

Quality and collective living forms in a compact city development strategy: Our City, Our Collective. 

Original title: Kvalitet og kollektive boformer i en kompaktbyutviklingsstrategi: Our City, Our Collective

Supervisor: Kristin Edith Abrahamsen Kjærås and Håvard Haarstad

Per Gunnar Sakseid, Department of Geography

Engagement for own neighbourhood. A study of perceptions of space, population participation and car reduction in Møhlenpris. 

Original title: Engasjement for eget bomiljø. En studie av stedsoppfatninger, innbyggermedvirkning og bilreduksjon på Møhlenpris.

Supervisor: Jakob Grandin and Håvard Haarstad

Benjamin Lindberg Borch, Department of Geography

Time, power and involvement in plan processes - a  case study from rail development in Moss. 

Original title: Tid, makt og medvirkning i planprosesser – en case-studie fra jernbaneutviklingen i Moss

Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad

Håvard Havro Bjørnstad, Department of Geography

"Return to start": A study in involvement in city planning in Bergen. 

Original title: «Rykk tilbake til start» Ei studie av medverking i byplanlegging i Bergen

Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad