Det medisinske fakultet


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Research Funding

Application Support for External Funding

Here you will find an overview of the application process, our services, and current open calls for funding.


The application process

The application process varies depending on the funding source and programme. To tailor your application to specific funding opportunities, set up a meeting with research advisers at MEDforsk@uib.no for feedback on your research idea, CV and other application materials.

If you plan to apply for funding, please notify the department you are affiliated with (latest one month before submission):

*) A notification of your plan will be sent to the Head of Department, the Head of Administration, a financial officer at your department and research advisers.

Remember: your grant proposal must be approved by the department's management and the budget must be controlled by a financial officer. 

From 2024 we introduced internal collection dates for FRIPRO in March and September. Read more here: Applying for the Research Council of Norway's FRIPRO funding scheme

Services we offer

The team of research advisers at the Faculty offers the following pre-award services:

  • Identify new funding opportunities
  • Determine if the research idea aligns with the funding programme
  • Propose a timeline for application development
  • Coordinate tasks between FIA, faculty, department, and external consultancy
  • Provide tools and templates
  • Review and advise research applications (1-3 rounds)
  • Revise supporting materials (CV, letters of support, etc.)
  • Assist with a final quality check of the electronic application and attachments
  • Review the funder's feedback to inform future submissions

Contact research advisers medforsk@uib.no to discuss the expectations in attracting external funds and the level of support research advisers will provide.

Current funding opportunities

The following list is regularly updated with a selection of upcoming application deadlines focussed on research and innovation in health, medicine and life sciences.

Small funds

(Funds of up to 1 Million NOK, miscellaneous disciplines, funding categories, career stages.)

Research fond for Asthma and Allergy
100.000 NOK
Deadline: annual, next 13 October 2024

ADHD network call for funding 2024
400.000 NOK. For research towards treatment and follow-up of people with ADHD.
Deadline: annual, next 15 October 2024

UH nett vest
200.000 NOK. Seed funding for networking and project development.
Deadline: annual, 15 October each year

*new* World Cancer Research Fund International - Pilot and feasibility grants
60 000 GBP (850 000 NOK), 2 years. The role of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivorship.
Deadline for outlines: 30 October 2024

National association of kidney patients (LNT)
40.000 NOK
Deadline: annual, 1 November

Fond og legater ved Det medisinske fakultet
5.000-100.000 NOK. Support for research projects at the Faculty of Medicine.
Deadline: annual, December/January

Meltzer fond
150.000 NOK, for UiB employees. Travel, running costs, organising conferences etc.
Deadline: annual, December/January

Bergen Universitetsfond
900.000 NOK. For dissemination and publication of research results, holding scientific conferences, workshops.
Deadline: annual, December/January

Association for muscular disease (FFM)
Deadline: annual, January

Nansenfondet og de dermed forbundne fond
50.000 NOK. Running costs and small equipment, all disciplines.
Deadline: recurring, 15 Januar

Gahrs fond for geronto-psychiatric research
Deadline: recurring, 15 Februar

Foundation for research into cardiovascular disease and cancer
NOK 50 000 – NOK 150 000
Deadline: recurring, 15 Februar

Johan Eilertsens memorial fund
50 000 kr – 100 000 kr. Psychiatric research.
Deadline: recurring, 15 Februar

Ann Kern-Godal’s memorial fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy
The Fund promotes evidence-based research into horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for different patient groups. PhD and post doc stipends.
Deadline: recurring, 15 Februar

Guldahl's legacy to fight cancer and other serious diseases
10 000 kr – 100 000 kr
Deadline: 1 March

Civitan - Alzheimer

600.000 NOK
Deadline: annual, 1 March

The foundation for the advancement of dental science
Academic scholarships at around 10 000 kr - 50 000 kr.
Deadline: annual, 30 March

Norwegian SIDS and Stillbirth Society (LUB)
200.000 NOK. For research on sudden death in the perinatal period and in infancy and early childhood, as well as research on grief after death.
Deadline: annual, March

Peder Sather Center, UC Berkeley
100.000-250.000 NOK for collaboration with UC Berkeley.
Deadline: annual, April

Lærdal Foundation
400.000 NOK. Practically oriented research to prevent needless deaths from sudden cardiac arrest, trauma, and during birth
Deadline: recurring, 1 April and 1 October

Norwegian Association for Children with Congenital Heart Disease
300 000 NOK.
Deadline: annual, September

Raagholt Foundation - Cardiology, vision, cancer
Running costs, travel grants, course fees.
Deadline: annual, September

Norwegian Health Association - running costs in CVD or dementia
200.000 NOK. 
Deadline: annual, September

Helse Vest short-Term projects
500.000 NOK
Deadline: annual, 15 September

Oncology - Early Career Award
200.000 NOK
Deadline: recurring, October

European Association for Cancer Research - Travel Grants
3.500 EUR for short-term stays (2 weeks -3 months). Max 8 yeast after PhD defense. Must be member of EACR.
Deadline: continous

NFR Project establishment support (PES)
10.000-100.000 NOK. For researchers who have submitted an eligible application to Horizon Europe.
How to apply: PES will be automatically transferred at the end of the year

Familien Blix fond - medical research in cardiovascular diseases and cancer
80 000 NOK to cover running costs. 

Mobility Grants*new 25/07

(Grants that cover travel and subsistence for UiB employees during research and training stays abroad, 2-12 months)

For Norwegian citizens. 100.000 NOK, 3-12 months research stay in US.
Deadline: annually, October

*new* The Commonwealth Fund - Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice Innovations
One year in the US for mid-career researchers. Dedicated research funding and a monthly living stipend (approx. USD8,000), round-trip airfare, support for relocation.
Deadline: anually, next: 1 November 2024

The Faculty of Medicine - Research stay abroad
Travel grant for PhD candidates and post docs who have a UiB-stipend. Research granted for stays 3-12 months.
Deadlines: continuous

Helse Vest Research stay abroad 
Granted for 6 or 12 months. Postdoctoral fellowship applicants are especially encouraged to apply for an overseas fellowship over the course of their fellowship period.
Deadline: continuous

Research Council of Norway Research stay abroad 
Scholarship for research stays abroad for 3 -12 months for PhD candidates and Post Doctors in projects with funding from the Research Council.
Deadline: continuous

EMBO Core Facility Fellowship
Supporting training for staff of core facilities, funding international exchanges. 1 month.
Deadline: continuous

EMBO New Venture Fellowships
3 months stay abroad for researchers 2 years after PhD and up to 2 years after establishing independent groups. Applications should promote interdisciplinary research, with the proposed project being different to the applicant’s current topic.
Deadline: continuous

EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants
Research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries. The grants facilitate collaborations with research groups with expertise, techniques, or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. They cover travel and subsistence costs of the fellow.
Deadline: continuous

University of Washington (US)/ Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) 
Covers travel costs and visa fees for a 10 week research stay.
Deadline: continuous 

ERASMUS+ staff mobility 
subsidising mobility of up to 2 months, for UiB staff including PhD-candidates and post docs, to attend courses or individual laboratory visits.
Deadline: biannually, 15 September and 20 January

Doctoral Fellowships*new 26/07

(For candidates who want to perform their doctoral training at UiB.)

DAM stiftelsen - Doctoral grants
1,5-3 MIO NOK, 4 years. Support for health research aimed at target groups in Norway which contributes to promoting living conditions, physical and mental health, coping, quality of life or social participation. The applications are sent through a volunteer oganisation like the Norwegian Red Cross, The Norwegian Cancer Society, the National Association for Publich Health etc.
Deadline: annually, 15 February 

Nowegian Health Association - Doctoral fellowship in heart and stroke diseases
3 years salary and running costs, no overhead.
Deadline: annually, September 

Helse Vest - Doctoral Fellowships
The candidate, main supervisor or project manager must be employed by or have an agreement of support with one of Helse Vest's health trust.
Deadline: annual, 15 September

Norske kvinners sanitetsforening
3-year PhD fellowships in menopause and older women's health; children and young people's mental health.
Deadline: annual, September

NFR - Doctoral Project in the Public Sector
Doctoral scholarships, 3-4 years. The public sector Ph.D.-scheme (OFFPHD) is intended to expand research activities in public sector bodies, to increase researcher recruitment within the public sector and to promote greater collaboration between academia and the public sector.
The applicant must be a public sector body. 
Deadline: continous

Postdoctoral Fellowships *new 26/07

(For early career researchers who want to pursue their postdoctoral research at UiB.)

Human Frontier Science Programme - Postdoctoral fellowships
3-year fellowships. Topic: basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms. Mobility rule: The host institution cannot be located in the country where the applicant has obtained a doctorate or worked as a postdoctoral fellow, nor can the applicant be a citizen of the host country. The applicant cannot have worked with the supervisor at the host institution previously.
Deadline: annually, May

Norwegian Health Association - Postdoctoral fellowship in heart and stroke disease or dementia
3 year salary and running costs, no overhead.
Deadline: annually, September

Horizon Europe / MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
European Fellowships: 24 months. Mobility rule: Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Norway for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.
Global Fellowships: 36 months. Mobility rule: for candidates from Bergen. 2 year outgoing phase outside Europe, 1 year return phase in Bergen. Mobility rule: candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country country of the host organisation for the outgoing phase for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.
Deadline: annual

Helse Vest - Postdoctoral Fellowships
3 years. The candidate, main supervisor or project manager must be employed by or have an agreement of support with one of Helse Vest's health trust.
Deadline: annual, 15 September

Norske kvinners sanitetsforening
3-year postdoctoral fellowships in menopause and older women's health; children and young people's mental health.
Deadline: annual, September

NFR Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (FRIPRO)
4-4,4 MIO NOK, 3 years. For reseachers with a doctoral degree. Must hold a masters or PhD from a Norwegian research institution. Mobility rule: two years abroad, one year in Norway.
Deadline: continous

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships
2-year fellowships with obligatory mobility, relocation allowance and support for children.
Eligibility: 0-2 years after obtained PhD, extensions are possible due to career breaks as parental leave, military service/civil service or other extraordinary circumstances. Applicants must have at least one first (or joint first) author primary research paper accepted for publication or published in an international peer reviewed journal at the time the application is complete. 
Deadline: continous

Starting Grants *new 14/05

(For researchers who want to start their independent researcher career at UiB.)

Horizon Europe / ERC starting Grant
1,5 MIO EUR, 5 years. For researchers to start their own research group, 2-7 years after their PhD. UiB offers a mentoring program for first-time applicants, proposal reading sessions, and writing courses. Contact medforsk@uib.no.
Deadline: annual, next 15 October 2024

*new* Novo Nordisk Emerging Investigator Grant within Endocrinology and Metabolism
5 years, 10 MDKK, for researchers at 4-8 years after their PhD.
Deadline: annual, January

Trond Mohn Foundation (TMF) Starting Grants 2024
The Trond Mohn Foundation awards grants towards research, research supporting activities and translational research in Bergen. Max age 40 years. Each department has an internal pre-qualification process. Contact the head of your department for more information.
Deadline (prequalification round): annual, 8 March

*new* Osteology Foundation Applied Research Grant
2,3 MNOK. For early career researchers (5 year post PhD or 5 year post clinical training). Clinical or preclinical research towards oral wound healing and tissue regeneration. 
Deadline: annual, 15 May

NFR Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (FRIPRO)
4-8 MIO NOK, 3-4 years. All thematic areas. Applicants must hold a PhD, defense date within the last 2-7 years.
Deadline: continous

Individual Grants *new 23/09

(For more experienced researchers, at least 1 Million NOK, no requirement for collaboration.)

World Cancer Research Fund International - Investigator Initiated Grants
500 000 GBP (7MNOK), 4 years. The role of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivorship.
Deadline, outlines: 30 October 2024

*new* NIH - Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan
Atual costs grant. Foreign entities are eligible to apply.
Deadline: 15 November 2024

ERC Consolidator Grant
2 MIO EUR, 5 years. Bottom-up frontier research grant for researchers at at 7-12 years after obtaining their doctorate.
Deadline: 14 January 2025

E.W. Thrasher Awards in Pediatric clinical care
550 000 USD. Projects that are changing pediatric clinical care.
Deadline for concept: bi-annual, next 14 January 2025

*new* National Institutes of Health - Research grants
Actual costs grants. Foreign entities are eligible to apply.
Womens Health Research
Climate Change and Health
Adaptive Biomaterials for Cancer Biology
Understanding Sudden Death in the Young Through Research
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders
Understanding Exposure and Health Effects of Micro and/or Nanoplastics
The Functional Oral Microbiome
Deadline: recurring, next 5 Februar 2025

DAM Foundation Research grants (Forskning)
1,5-3 MIO NOK for 3 years. Stiftelsen Dam is one of Norway's largest foundations and provides funding for health and research projects that will provide better health through participation and activity for people in Norway. The applications are sent through a volunteer oganisation like the Norwegian Red Cross, The Norwegian Cancer Society, the National Association for Publich Health etc.
Deadline: annually, 15 February

NFR - Researcher Projects (top-down calls)
12 MIO NOK, 5 years. Preliminary topics: Democracy, Global development, Education
Deadline: 5 March 2025

Osteology Foundation Applied Research Grant
2,3 MNOK. Clinical or preclinical research towards oral wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Deadline: annual, 15 May

ERC Advanced Grant
2,5 MIO EUR, 5 years. Bottom-up frontier research grant for established research leaders.
Deadline: 28 August 2025

Helse Vest Open project support
5 MIO NOK, 3 years. Applicants employed at Helse Vest can apply directly. Applicants from UiB can apply if they have a collaboration agreement with Helse Vest. ​​​​​​
Deadline: annual, 15 September

Qualification - Research Commercialisation from Publicly Funded Research
200.000-500.000 NOK, 3-12 months. The funding must be used to clarify the commercial potential of promising research results.
Deadline: continous

NFR Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists (FRIPRO)
4-12 MIO NOK, 3-8 years. Must have approved doctoral at least 6 years ago. All thematic areas.
Deadline: continuous

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) - Innovations to Prepare for Future Epidemics and Pandemics 
Focus Area 1: advancing innovative rapid-response vaccine platforms that can transform the response to a future Disease X.
Focus Area 2: developing new vaccine candidates against CEPI priority pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential and viral families.
Deadline: continous

Collaborative Grants *new 16/10

(For researchers at any career stage, at least 1 Million NOK, require collaboration. These are the largest and most prestigious grants that will be coordinated by experienced researchers.)

Horizon Europe - Health Cluster
Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-13-01. 4 MIO EUR. Proposals should aim to improve health care delivery, particularly for disadvantaged populations, by implementing specific guidelines and enhancing the overall quality of life. 
Deadline: 26 November 2024

Horizon Europe - MSCA Doctoral Networks 
15 doctoral fellows. Network schemes that measure both scientific quality, innovative ways of educating and training PhD students for future and enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. DN equip researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set.
Deadline: annual, next 27 November 2024

*new* Wellcome Trust - Accelerating scalable digital mental health interventions
7 M GBP, 5 years. Research to evaluate and further develop scalable digital interventions to advance early intervention in depression, anxiety and psychosis. Teams must include the research expertise required to drive the proposed research, an organisation which can take the intervention to scale (whether a company or not-for-profit) and lived experience experts.
Deadline: 2 December 2024

EU4Health - Work Programme 2024
(selected calls) 
Personalised Cancer Medicine. The actions that will complement the Joint Action on Personalized Cancer Medicine are expected to bring short-term improvements in implementing personalised cancer medicine and sharing best practice among Member States and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme. CR-g-24-99 
Support the establishment of new networks of expertise on cancer and cancer conditions. CR-g-24-96
Advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence in health. The overarching objective of this project is to accelerate the safe deployment of AI systems in particular in clinical settings. DI-g-24-76 
Health promotion and prevention of NDCs and CDs, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections DP/CR-g-24-29 Sub-topics: (a) NCDs and their risk factors (b) Vaccination and vaccine-preventable cancers (HPV and HBV, HCV) (c) Communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, viral hepatitis). 
Deadline: 22 Jan 2025

*new* NordForsk - Sustainable health and social care systems for elderly
Requires collaboration among at least three Nordic countries. Research should generate knowledge and evidence-based solutions in the area of sustainable health and social care systems for elderly.The call focuses on solutions to secure seamless pathways of health and social care based on active involvement of service users, next of kin and social networks with the purpose of ensuring health equity
Deadline: February 2025

Human Frontier Science Program - Research Grants
1,5 M USD, for international teams of 2-4 members. HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. 
Deadline: annually, next: March 2025 

NFR - Center for Excellence
The Centres of Excellence are large research centers with funding for 5-6 years. Please consult the internal communication channels in teams for information:  SFF-VI MED and  SFF VI applicant information
Deadline (stage 1): End of 2025