Webinar series
CISMAC will establish monthly webinars for CISMAC researchers where junior and senior scientists can discuss useful topics.
The current plan is to alternate meetings dedicated to a selected topic of general interest and meetings with presentation of a PhD proposal or work in progress. We think such webinars can contribute to strengthening the links between the partner institutions and may eventually lead to conceptualization of new research projects in which CISMAC partners can collaborate even more closely.
We will aim to have the webinars on the first Wednesday of every month, with the exception of that in January, which will be on the 17th January 2018. The time will be 10:00-11:30 UTC/11:00-12:30 Central European Winter Time/12:00-1330 Central European Summer time. We will use Adobe Connect for the webinars and the link for these meetings is: https://connect.uninett.no/cismac/
Dates for webinars spring semester 2018:
1) 17th January
Topic: High loss to follow up in RCTs – what can go wrong and how to minimize
Lead: Halvor Sommerfelt. Contributors: Sarmila Mazumder, Victoria Nankabirwa, Bireshwar Sinha, Halvor Sommerfelt
2) 7th February
Topic: "Analysis of growth in young children - the LMS method and the SITAR growth model."
Invited speaker: Professor Tim Cole, University College of London.
Attention! New time for this webinar: 11:30-13:00 Central European Winter Time
3) 7th March
PhD project presentation: Bireshwar Sinha, SAS-India: Effect of community initiated kangaroo mother care in low birth weight infants on infant breast milk intake, gut inflammation, maternal depressive symptoms and stress.
4) 4th April
Topic: How to secure high quality RCT implementation
Lead: Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy. Different CISMAC teams will be asked to share their experiences so far.
5) 2nd May
Topic: Statistical power in RCTs: The rationale for why CISMAC studies have high statistical power and thereby precision, focusing on the distinction between no evidence of effect versus evidence of no effect and how this is important for evidence-based decision making
Leads: Halvor Sommerfelt and José C. Martines.
6) 6th June
PhD presentation: Josephine Tumuhamye –School of >Public Health - Makerere University, Uganda: Title to be decided.
When opportunities for particularly interesting talks/seminars suitable for Adobe connect-based presentations arise, we may change the schedule accordingly. Needless to say, such changes will be made in agreement with the presenters of scheduled webinars and will be announced as early as possible, and no later than two weeks prior to a specifically scheduled webinar.
If you have ideas for topics that could be of general interest to CISMAC researchers, please write to ane.straume@uib.no and Ingvild.sandoy@uib.no. PhD and postdocs who would like to present and get feedback on aspects of their work in one of the webinars in the second half of 2018 should write to Ane Straume and Ingvild Sandøy as soon as possible. We will give people the opportunity to present on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Please help us spread this information about the webinars with other members of your research team.