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Doctoral dissertation defence - Kristine Husøy Onarheim


Candidate from Department of Global Public health and Primary Care
Main supervisor: Associate Professor Ingrid Miljeteig
Co-supervisor(s): Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim, Professor Karen Marie Moland, Associate Professor Mitike Molla Sisay

Defence: Friday, 13 April 2018, 12.30

Place: Auditorium, Barne- og ungdomssjukehuset (HUS), Haukelandsbakken 15

Dissertation: “Priority to the newborn? Real-life priority setting and intra-household resource allocation for newborn health in Ethiopia”

1st opponent: Professor Jennifer Gibson, University of Toronto, Canada

2nd opponent: Associate Professor Katerini Storeng, University of Oslo

Committee leader: Professor Kjell Haug, University of Bergen

The defence will be led by Professor Sven Gudmund Hinderaker.


The public is invited