Michael Sars-senteret


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Our Science

Publications Glover Associate Group



  • Lunde A, Glover JC (2020) A versatile toolbox for semi-automatic cell-by-cell object-based colocalization analysis. Scientific Reports (in press).


  • Glover JC (2020) Oikopleura. Current Biol (in press).


  • Toch M, Harris A, Schakman O, Kondratskaya E, Boulland JL, Dauguet N, Debrulle S, Baudouin C, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Gow A, Glover JC, Tissir F, Clotman F (2020) Onecut-dependent Nkx6.2 transcription factor expression is required for proper formation and activity of spinal locomotor circuits. Sci. Reports 10:996.


  • Glover JC, Aswendt M, Boulland JL, Lojk J, Stamenković S, Andjus P, Fiori F, Hoehn M, Mitrecic D, Pavlin M, Cavalli S, Frati C, Quaini F; EU Cost Action 16122 (BIONECA) (2019) In vivo cell tracking using non-invasive imaging of iron oxide-based particles with particular relevance for stem cell-based treatments of neurological and cardiac disease. Mol Imaging Biol. Dec 4. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT].


  • Grimaldi G, Vagaska B, Ievglevskyi O, Kondratskaya E, Glover JC, Matthews J (2019) Loss of Tiparp results in aberrant laying of the cerebral cortex. eNeuro 6 (6) ENEURO.0239-19.2019


  • Lunde A, Okaty BW, Dymecki SM, Glover JC (2019) Molecular profiling defines evolutionarily conserved transcription factor signatures of major vestibulospinal neuron groups. eNeuro 2019 Feb 27;6(1). Pii: ENEURO.0475-18.2019.


  • Kondratskaya E, Ievglevskyi O, Züchner M, Samara A, Glover JC, Boulland JL (2019) Locomotor central pattern generator excitability states and serotonin sensitivity after spontaneous recovery from a neonatal lumbar spinal cord injury. Brain Res. 1708:10-19.



Selected work

  • Lynagh T, Mikhaleva Y, Colding JM, Glover JC, Pless SA. (2018) Acid-sensing ion channels emerged over 600 Mya and are conserved throughout the deuterostomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115(33):8430-8435.. 
  • Glover JC, Elliott KL, Erives A, Chizhikov VV, Fritzsch B. (2018) Wilhelm His' lasting insights into hindbrain and cranial ganglia development and evolution. Dev Biol. pii: S0012-1606(17)30584-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.02.001. 
  • Fritzsch B, Elliott KL, Glover JC (2017) Gaskell revisited: new insights into spinal autonomics necessitate a revised motor neuron nomenclature. Cell and Tissue Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s00441-017-2676-y
  • Chagnaud BP, Engelmann J, Fritzsch B, Glover JC, Straka H (2017) Sensing external and self motion with hair cells. A comparison of the lateral line and vestibular systems from a developmental and evolutionary perspective. Brain Behav Evol (in press).
  • Chawla RS, Züchner M, Mastrangelopoulou M, Lambert FM, Glover JC, Boulland JL. 2016 Dec 29. Cellular reactions and compensatory tissue re-organization during spontaneous recovery after spinal cord injury in neonatal mice. Dev Neurobiol doi: 10.1002/dneu.22479. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28033684 
  • Lambert FM, Bras H, Cardoit L, Vinay L, Coulon P, Glover JC (2016).  Early postnatal maturation in vestibulospinal pathways involved in neck and forelimb motor control. Dev Neurobiol Jan 2. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22375.
  • Falk A, Heine VM, Harwood AJ, Sullivan PF, Peitz M, Brüstle O, Shen S, Sun YM, Glover JC, Posthuma D, Djurovic S. 2016 Sep. Modeling psychiatric disorders: from genomic findings to cellular phenotypes. Mol Psychiatry 21(9):1167-79. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.89. Epub 2016 May 31. PMID: 27240529.
  • Glover JC (2016) A Comparative Overview of Locomotion and Its Neural Basis in Aquatic, Nonmammalian Chordates and Protochordates. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, 2nd edition,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804042-3.00027-0.
  • Bjørnstad S, Samara A, Erichsen A, Paulsen RE, Glover JC, Roald B (2016).  Hampered Lung Maturation in Methimazole-Induced Hypothyroidism in Fetal Chicken: Morphological and Molecular Correlates to Human Fetal Development. Neonatology 110(2):83-92.
  • Züchner M, Glover JC, Boulland JL (2016).  A Neonatal Mouse Spinal Cord Compression Injury Model. J Vis Exp27(109):e53498.
  • Behnan J, Stangeland B, Hosainey SA, Joel M, Olsen TK, Micci F, Glover JC, Isakson P, Brinchmann JE (2016). Differential propagation of stroma and cancer stem cells dictates tumorigenesis and multipotency. Oncogene 2016 Jun 27. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.230.v
  • Di Bonito M, Boulland JL, Krezel W, Setti E, Studer M, Glover JC. 2015 Dec. Loss of Projections, Functional Compensation, and Residual Deficits in the Mammalian Vestibulospinal System of Hoxb1-Deficient Mice. eNeuro26;2(6). pii: ENEURO.0096-15.2015. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0096-15.2015. eCollection 2015 Nov-Dec. PMID: 26730404
  • Blacklaws J, Deska-Gauthier D, Jones CT, Petracca YL, Fawcett JP, Glover JC, Lanuza GM, Zhang Y (2015). Sim1 is required for the migration and axonal projections of V3 interneurons in the developing mouse spinal cord. Dev Neurobiol 75(9):1003-17.
  • Mikhaleva Y, Kreneisz O, Olsen LS, Glover JC, Chourrout D (2015).  Modification via RNA interference of the larval swimming behavior in Oikopleura dioica, a chordate with a miniaturized central nervous system. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 324(2):114-27.
  • Joel M, Mughal AA, Grieg Z, Murrell W, Palmero S, Mikkelsen B, Fjerdingstad H, Sandberg C, Glover JC, Stangeland B, Langmoen IA (2015).  Targeting PBK/TOPK decreases growth and survival of glioblastoma stem cells in vitro and attenuates tumor growth in vivo. Mol Cancer 2015 14:121.
  • Kasumacic N, Lambert FM, Coulon P, Bras H, Vinay L, Perreault MC, Glover JC. (2015).  Segmental organization of vestibulospinal inputs to spinal interneurons mediating crossed activation of thoracolumbar motoneurons in the neonatal mouse. J Neurosci 35(21):8158-69.
  • Sivertsen MS, Perreault MC, Glover JC (2015).  Pontine reticulospinal projections in the neonatal mouse – internal organization and axon trajectories. J Comp Neurol Sep 24. doi: 10.1002/cne.23904.
  • Kreneisz O, Glover JC (2015).  Developmental Characterization of Tail Movements in the Appendicularian Urochordate Oikopleura dioica. Brain Behav Evol 86(3-4):191-209.
  • Di Bonito M, Boulland JL, Krezel W, Setti E, Studer M, Glover JC (2015).  Loss of Projections, Functional Compensation, and Residual Deficits in the Mammalian Vestibulospinal System of Hoxb1-Deficient Mice. eNeuroDec 26;2(6). pii: ENEURO.0096-15.2015.
  • Bjørnstad S, Paulsen RE, Erichsen A, Glover JC, Roald B (2014).  Type I and II pneumocyte differentiation in the developing fetal chicken lung: conservation of pivotal proteins from birds to human in the struggle for life at birth. Neonatology 105(2):112-120.
  • Sivertsen MS, Glover JC, Perreault MC (2014).  Organization of pontine reticulospinal inputs to motoneurons controlling axial and limb muscles in the neonatal mouse. J Neurophysiol 112(7):1628-1643.
  • Glover JC (2014) Conjugated dextran amines as intracellular tracers for visualizing and manipulating neurons. In: Dextran: Chemical Structure, Applications and Potential Side Effects. Recent Trends in Biotechnology.Ed: Garrett P. Figgs. Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. pp. 157-174. ISBN: 978-1-62948-960-5.
  • Cornez I, Joel M, Taskén K, Langmoen IA, Glover JC, Berge T (2013).  EGF signalling and rapamycin-mediated mTOR inhibition in glioblastoma multiforme evaluated by phospho-specific flow cytometry. J Neurooncol112(1):49-57.
  • Joel M, Sandberg CJ, Boulland JL, Vik-Mo EO, Langmoen IA, Glover JC (2013).  Inhibition of tumor formation and redirected differentiation of glioblastoma cells in a xenotypic embryonic environment. Dev Dyn 242(9):1078-1093.
  • Boulland JL, Lambert FM, Züchner M, Ström S, Glover JC (2013).  A neonatal mouse spinal cord injury model for assessing post-injury adaptive plasticity and human stem cell integration. PLoS One 8(8):e71701.
  • Perreault MC, Glover JC (2013) Glutamatergic reticulospinal neurons in the mouse: developmental origins, axon projections and functional connectivity. Ann NY Acad Sci 1279:80-9.
  • Boulland JL, Mastrangelopoulou M, Boquest AC, Jakobsen R, Noer A, Glover JC, Collas P (2012).  Epigenetic Regulation of Nestin Expression During Neurogenic Differentiation of Adipose Tissue Stem Cells. Stem Cells Dev22(7):1042-1052.
  • Kasumacic N, Glover JC, Perreault MC (2012).  Vestibular-mediated synaptic inputs and pathways to sympathetic preganglionicneurons in the neonatal mouse. J Physiol Oct 22.
  • Boulland JL, Leung DS, Thuen M, Vik-Mo E, Joel M, Perreault MC, Langmoen IA, Haraldseth O, Glover JC (2012).  Evaluation of Intracellular Labeling With Micron-Sized Particles of Iron Oxide (MPIOs) as a General Tool for In Vivo Tracking of Human Stem and Progenitor Cells.  Cell Transplant 21(8):1743-59. doi 10.3727/096368911X627598
  • Halasi G, Søviknes AM, Sigurjonsson O, Glover JC (2012).  Proliferation and recapitulation of developmental patterning associated with regulative regeneration of the spinal cord neural tube Dev Biol May 1,365(1):118-32.
  • Nunes AR, Chavez-Valdez R, Ezell T, Donnelly DF, Glover JC, Gauda EB (2012).  Effect of development on (Ca2+) in transients to ATP in petrosal ganglion neurons: a pharmacological approach using optical recording. J Appl Physiol Apr; 112(8):1393-402
  • Glover JC (2012) Stemming the scams. Public Service Review: European Science and Technology 15:208-209.
  • Glover JC (2012) Utvikling av dopaminerge nerveceller in vivo og fra stamceller in vivo. In: Nevropsykiatri: Metoder og kliniske perspektiver. Fladby T, Andersson S, Gjerstad L, eds. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. pp. 83-92. ISBN 978-82-05-41214-9.
  • Langmoen IA, Foss A, Kvalheim G, Engebretsen L, Glover JC (2012) Stamcelleforskning – nytt håp? Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen.132:2584.
  • Szokol K, Glover JC, Perreault MC (2011).  Organization of functional synaptic connections between medullary reticulospinal neurons and lumbar descending commissural interneurons in the neonatal mouse. J Neurosci Mar 23;31(12):4731-42.
  • Glover JC (2011). Norwegian expertise in stem cell research. Public Service Review: European Science and Technology 6:216-217. 
  • Glover JC (2011). Therapeutic strategies for repairing motor functions of the spinal cord. In: Motor Functions of the Spinal Cord. Editor: András Birinyi. pp. 155-187. ISBN: 978-81-7895-512-4.
  • Kasumacic N, Glover JC, Perreault MC (2010).  Segmental patterns of vestibular-mediated synaptic inputs to axial and limb motoneurons in the neonatal mouse assessed by optical recording. J Physiol Dec 15;588(Pt 24):4905-25.
  • Boulland JL, Halasi G, Kasumacic N, Glover JC (2010).  Xenotransplantation of human stem cells into the chicken embryo. J Vis Exp Jul 11;(41). pii: 2071. doi: 10.3791/2071.
  • Glover JC, Boulland JL, Halasi G, Kasumacic N (2009).  Chimeric animal models in human stem cell biology. ILAR J 51(1):62-73.
  • Restrepo CE, Lundfald L, Szabó G, Erdélyi F, Zeilhofer HU, Glover JC, Kiehn O (2009).  Transmitter-phenotypes of commissural interneurons in the lumbar spinal cord of newborn mice. J Comp Neurol Nov 10;517(2):177-92.
  • Mochida H, Fortin G, Champagnat J, Glover JC (2009).  Differential involvement of projection neurons during emergence of spontaneous activity in the developing avian hindbrain. J Neurophysiol Feb;101(2):591-602.
  • Glover JC, Fritzsch B. (2009) Brains of primitive chordates. In: Encyclopedia of Neurosciences, eds M. D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, and U. Windhorst. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp 439–448. ISBN 978-008045046-9.00945-1
  • Fritzsch B, Glover JC (2009) Structure of Brains of Primitive Vertebrates (tunicates, amphioxus, lampreys) and the Basic Features of the Vertebrate Brain. In: Evolutionary Neuroscience, ed. John Kaas,Academic Press,pp. 119-142. ISBN 9780123750808.
  • Nissen UV, Moldovan M, Hounsgaard J, Glover JC (2008).  Organization of projection-specific interneurons in the spinal cord of the red-eared turtle. Brain Behav Evol Nov;72(3):179-91.
  • Szokol K, Glover JC, Perreault MC (2008).  Differential origin of reticulospinal drive to motoneurons innervating trunk and hindlimb. J Physiol Nov 1;586(Pt 21):5259-76.
  • Glover JC, Sato K, Momose-Sato Y (2008).  Using voltage-sensitive dye recording to image the functional development of neuronal circuits in vertebrate embryos. Dev Neurobiol May;68(6):804-16. Review. Erratum in: Dev Neurobiol. 2008 Jul;68(8):1135.
  • Glover JC (2008) Can we use human embryonic stem cells to treat brain and spinal cord injury and disease? In: Stem Cells, Human Embryos and Ethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Lars Østnor, Springer. pp 55-70. ISBN 978-1-4020-6988-8.
  • Søviknes AM, Glover JC (2008).  Continued growth and cell proliferation into adulthood in the notochord of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. Biol Bull Feb;214(1):17-28.
  • Hirsch MR, Glover JC, Dufour H, Brunet J-F, Goridis C (2007). Forced expression of Phox2 homeodomain transcription factors induces a branchio-visceromotor axonal phenotype. Dev Biol 303:687-702.
  • Pasqualetti M, Díaz C, Renaud JS, Rijli F and JC Glover (2007) Fate-mapping the mammalian hindbrain: Segmental origins of vestibular projection neurons assessed using rhombomere-specific Hoxa2 enhancer elements in the mouse embryo. J Neurosci 27:9670-9681.
  • Søviknes AM, Chourrout D, Glover JC (2007).  Development of the caudal nerve cord, motoneurons, and muscle innervation in the appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura dioica. J Comp Neurol Jul 10;503(2):224-43.
  • Søviknes AM, Glover JC (2007).  Spatiotemporal patterns of neurogenesis in the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. Dev Biol Nov 1;311(1):264-75.
  • Fritzsch B, Glover JC. (2007) Evolution of the deuterostome central nervous system: an intercalation of developmental patterning processes with cellular specification processes. In: Evolution of nervous systems: a comprehensive reference, Volume 2, ed. J.H. Kaas. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.12 pp. ISBN 9780123925602.
  • Perreault M-C, Bernier AP, Renaud J-S, Roux S, Glover JC (2006).  C fragment of tetanus toxin hybrid proteins evaluated for muscle-specific transsynaptic mapping of spinal motor circuitry in the newborn mouse. Neuroscience, 141(2):803-16.
  • Momose-Sato Y, Glover JC, Sato K (2006).  Development of functional synaptic connections in the auditory system visualized with optical recording: afferent-evoked activity is present from early stages. J NeurophysiolOct;96(4):1949-62.
  • Glover JC, Renaud JS, Rijli FM (2006).  Retinoic acid and hindbrain patterning. J Neurobiol Jun;66(7):705-25.
  • Glover JC, Renaud J–S, Lampe X, Rijli F. (2006) Hindbrain development and retinoids. In: Nuclear Receptors in Development, Advances in Developmental Biology, volume 16, pp. 145-180. ed. Reshma Taneja, Elsevier, San Diego, CA. ISBN 978-0-444-52873-5. 
  • Søviknes AM, Chourrout D and Glover JC (2005). Development of putative GABAergic neurons in the appendicularian urochordate Oikoleura dioica. J Comp Neurol, 490:12-28.
  • Sigurjonsson OE, Perreault MC, Egeland T, Glover JC (2005). Adult human hematopoietic stem cells produce neurons efficiently in the regenerating chicken embryo spinal cord. PNAS, 102:5227-5232.
  • Fjeldheim AK, Høvring PI, Løseth OP, Johansen PW, Glover JC, Matre V, Olstad OK, Reppe S, Gordeladze JO, Walaas SI, Gautvik KM (2005).  Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 and prothyrotrophin-releasing hormone mRNA expression in the central nervous system are regulated by suckling in lactating rats. Eur J Endocrinol May;152(5):791-803
  • Nissen UV, Mochida H and Glover JC (2005).  Development of projection- specific interneurons and projection neurons in the embryonic mouse and rat spinal cord. J Comp Neurol, 483:30-47.
  • Glover, J. C. (2003 and 2007) The Vestibular System. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elsevier. 7 pp. ISBN 9780080446172.
  • Glover, J. C. (2002) Hindbrain. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, ed. V. Ramachandran,Academic Press. 13 pp. ISBN 978-0-12-227210-3
  • Glover JC (2001).  Correlated patterns of neuron differentiation and Hox gene expression in the hindbrain: a comparative analysis. Brain Res Bull, 55:683-693.
  • Auclair F, Marchand R and Glover JC (1999).  Regional patterning of reticulospinal and vestibulospinal neurons in the hindbrain of rat and mouse embryos. J Comp Neurol, 411: 288-300.
  • Díaz, C, Puelles L, Marín F and Glover JC (1998).  The relationship between rhombomeres and vestibular neuron populations as assessed in quail-chicken chimeras. Dev Biol, 202:14-28.
  • Forehand CF, Ezerman EB, Goldblatt J and Glover JC (1998).  The segment-specific pattern of sympathetic preganglionic projections is altered by retinoids. PNAS, 95:10878-10883.
  • Glover JC and Petursdottir G(1991).  Regional specificity of developing reticulospinal, vestibulospinal, and vestibulo-ocular projections in the chicken embryo. J Neurobiol, 22:353-376.
  • Gray GE, Glover JC, Majors J and Sanes JR (1988).  Radial arrangement of clonally related cells in the chicken optic tectum: Lineage analysis with a recombinant retrovirus. PNAS, 85:7356-7360.
  • Glover JC, Stuart DK, McCaman RE, Cline HT, Magill C and Stent G (1987).  Development of neurotransmitter metabolism in the leech Haementeria ghilianii. J Neurosci, 7: 581-594.
  • Glover JC, Petursdottir G and Jansen JKS (1986).  Fluorescent dextran-amines used as axonal tracers in the nervous system of the chicken embryo. J Neurosci Methods, 18: 243-254.
  • Glover JC and Kramer AP (1982).  Serotonin analog selectively ablates identified neurons in the leech embryo. Science, 216: 317-319.