Kjemisk institutt


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Emergency notification

Emergency notification procedures and emergency preparedness


If there is a risk to life, health or safety, call the emergency services:

  • POLICE: 112
  • AMBULANCE: 113

Notify them about:

  • Who you are
  • What has happened
  • Where you are
  • The extent of the damage or injury

Then call: UiB's security centre: +47 55 58 80 81.

During the working hours, the department may / should also be notified:

• Reception:                          55 58 91 44
• Head of Department       Magne Olav Sydnes:     mobile no. 476 64 261
• Administrative Head       Signe Solberg:             mobile no. 915 60 933


In case of emergency

Norwegian Poison Information Centre: +(47)-22591300

Emergency number with support and information during incidents with hazardous materials/hazardous chemicals, contact CHEMTREC: +(47)-21930678