Forskningsgruppe for eksperimentell patologi


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Our research group is studying the interactions between epithelial (stem) cells and the surrounding tissue, and between epithelium / connective tissue cells and microbiota in normal conditions and during cancer development.

Experimental Pathology Research Group
Experimental Pathology Research Group


Our research group is studying the interactions between epithelial (stem) cells and the surrounding tissue, and between epithelium / connective tissue cells and microbiota in normal conditions and during cancer development.

We study this using human mucosal and skin model systems that we have developed during the last 15 years (3D organotypic tissue culture models of human skin, oral, tonsillar, bladder and cervical mucosa). In the last 3 years we have also established a humanised environmentally-induced bioluminescence mouse model of cancer.

In addition to basic research, our group is working on translational research projects in biomarkers of cancer and kidney failure, stem cells and bone regeneration (VASCUBONE European FP7 Project), and nanomedicine (NaNoREG European FP7 Project).

The main work is performed at the Cell Culture Laboratory, Gade Laboratory for Pathology, Department of Pathology, 1 floor, Central building, Haukeland University Hospital. In addition, the Oral Pathology Laboratory, Vivarium, and BBB animal facilities are also intensively used by the group.

The research is supported by grants from The Western Norway Regional Health Authority, University of Bergen, the Council of Europe and Norwegian Government through Quota Program.

The group meets every Friday of the second/third week of each month at 14-15 pm at Gades Library, 1 floor, HUS .