Comparative Developmental Biology


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Animal Facility of the Hejnol Group

Convolutriloba macropyga Moments
Copyright UiB


Animal facility – the Hejnol group

The Hejnol group cultures a broad range of animal taxa which are used for studying the evolution and development of animal diversity by using morphological and molecular methods.

Increasing the number of research organisms and the interpretation of the data on the basis of a resolved phylogeny provides a powerful toolkit for understanding evolution. -Andreas Hejnol 

In the animal facility there are two large incubators, one smaller algae incubator at 16°C and one 500 litre seawater aquarium system. The room is kept at a continuous 22°C and there is a 14/10 light/dark cycle for the room, all incubators and the aquarium. The maintenance of the room, equipment and organisms is taken care of by fulltime animal technician.  

Animals we culture:

CladeSpeciesFoodConditionsFresh/Sea (F/S) WaterPublications from the lab
AcoelaConvolutriloba macropygaArtemia & Photons25°C AquariumSW 
 Isodiametra pulchraNitzschia20°C IncubatorSW

Martin-Duran et al. 2018, NatureAndrikou et al 2019, PLoS Biol

 Hofstenia miamiaArtemia, Brachionus20°C IncubatorSW 
AnnelidaDimorphilus cf. gyrociliatusFish food20°C IncubatorSWKerbl et al. 2016, EvoDevo
NemerteaLineus ruberPlatynereis, Mytilus10°C IncubatorSW

Martin-Duran et al. 2018, Nature; Martin-Duran et al. 2015, EvoDevo

 Lineus longissimusPlatynereis10°C IncubatorSWThiel et al 2019, Front Zool
GastrotrichaLepidodermella squamataWheat grains and milk powderRoom TemperatureFWFromm et al 2019, Noncoding RNA
PlatyhelminthesMacrostomum lignanoNitzschia20°C IncubatorSW 
 Stenostomum leucopsOat flakes20°C IncubatorSW 
GnathiferaEpiphanes sentaRhinomonas sp. Cryptomonas, Chlamydomonas20°C Incubator with lightFW

Martin-Duran et al. 2018, NatureGąsiorowski et al 2019, Front Zool

 Adinata vagaE. coliRoom TemperatureFWFlot et al 2013, Nature
NematodaPontonema vulgareClotted fish blood10°C IncubatorSW 
TardigradaHypsibius exemplarisChlorococcum20°C IncubatorFW 
CtenophoraMnemiopsis leidyiCopepodstransferred to Burkhard labSW

Sebe-Pedros et al 2018, Nature Ecol EvolDe Mendoza et al 2019, Nature Ecol Evol


In addition to the continuous cultures we also collect and keep for shorter periods species of Priapulida (Priapulus caudatus), Brachiopoda (Novocrania anomala), Phoronida (Phoronopsis harmeri) and Nemertodermatida (Meara stichopi).