Digsscore granted national responsibility for European Social Survey ESS
– We are very happy to mark our position as a national competence centre on survey data and development of the survey method, says deputy dean Ragnhild Muriaas.
Digsscore at The University of Bergen has been granted the responsibility as national coordinator of the European Social Survey (ESS).
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since its establishment in 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of population sub-groups in more than thirty nations.
Attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns
– The European Social Survey is the gold standard for comparative research of attitudes towards society and politics in Europe. Hosting this research on behalf of the Norwegian research society and becoming part of a large international network with specialised competence on comparative survey research is of huge value to us. This provides a great platform for further development, says scientific leader of Digsscore, professor Elisabeth Ivarsflathen.
Digital expertise on social surveys
The Research Council of Norway has chosen Digsscore as the host of the Norwegian part of the surveys. The council writes that it has chosen Digsscore on basis of:
- The competence that is built around the core facility for digital social sciences.
- Digsscores technical and digital expertise
– To us it is of great importance to both contribute to and gain access to the deep knowledge on social surveys that one obtains through holding this responsibility, says deputy dean Ragnhild Muriaas at the Faculty of Social Sciences.