Materials, Methods and Ethics in Music Research
ONLINE SEMINAR: We are delighted to announce that the GRS Autumn Course will be taking place as an online seminar from Tuesday 24th November to Thursday 26th November 2020.

The course focuses on the materials of music by questioning what they are, how they emerge and are defined in different contexts, and how they are investigated in a range of research traditions. Invited speakers will engage with a variety of methodological paradigms to explore musical materials in fields such as artistic and practice-based research, qualitative research, and inter, multi and trans disciplinary music studies.
The course encourages participants to critically explore the relationship between musical materials, choice of research method and questions of ethics in relation to their own work, and the wider academic, artistic, and/or practice-based knowledge traditions in which they position themselves.
This course will be held online with synchronous and asynchronous activities.
We are honored to announce the confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof. Susan Hadley, Slippery Rock University
Prof. Anne Danielsen, University of Oslo
Prof. Dániel Péter Biró, University of Bergen
Dr. Tormod Wallem Anundsen, University of Agder
Dr. Stephen Amico, University of Bergen
The first two days of the course will feature invited speaker presentations, candidate presentations, dialogue sessions and a hot topic panel discussion, open to anyone registered for the course. The final day of the course will be for PhD candidates only.
ECTS Credits
Ph.D. candidates can still gain 3 or 5 ECTS credit points for participation in this course and have the option of presenting on the main theme of the course OR on their own research project. These presentations will receive feedback from senior researchers and peers.