Forskningsgruppe for gastroenterologisk ultrasonografi


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Group members affiliated with University of Bergen:

Odd Helge Gilja, MD, PhD, Professor, Head of BRUSE

Kim Nylund, MD, PhD, Associated professor

Roald Flesland Havre, MD, PhD, Professor

Tæraneh Jouleh, MD, PhD candidate

Ingeborg Brønstad, MS, PhD, Researcher


Group members affiliated with Haukeland University Hospital:

Trond Engjom, MD, PhD, Resarcher

Audun Magerøy Trelsgård, MD, PhD candidate

Andreas Jessen Gjengstø, MD, PhD candidate

Khanh Cong Do Pham, MD, PhD candidate

Dag André Sangnes, MD, PhD, researcher

Hilde Løland von Volkmann, MD, PhD, researcher

Trygve Hausken, MD, PhD, Professor emeritus

Elisabeth Kjelsvik Steinsvik, MD, PhD, researcher

Georg Dimcevski, MD, PhD, researcher

Per Førde Refsnes, research nurse

Ingrid Kvåle Nordaas, MD, PhD, researcher



Fredrik Bjorvatn Sævik, MD, PhD, researcher

Spiros Kotopoulis, MS, PhD, researcher