The Pandemic Centre hosts debate on Migrant Health
In collaboration with LawTransform (Center on Law and Social Transformation), the Pandemic Center organizes a discussion on "Migrant Health in the pandemic".

In most countries migrants have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic – health wise, but also socially and politically. This roundtable, hosted by the UiB Pandemic Centre, discusses the complex and sensitive questions related to migrant health in the pandemic,
including vaccine hesitancy, mistrust, inequality – and what could be done differently.
The session is a part of the event Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation that is arrangered physically and digitally this week.
Time: 18th of August, 13:00-14:15.
Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31/Zoom
Participants: Camila Gianella (Senior Researcher, CMI), Kristin Sandvik (Professor of law, UiO)
Moderator: Esperanza Diaz (Professor and leader of the Pandemic Centre, UiB).