Ingrid Halland
Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, Faculty of Humanities
Ingrid Halland is Associate Professor in art history at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, UiB, where she teaches 20th century architecture history and theory, as well as contemporary art theory, politics of aesthetics, and art historiography. She has previously been Associate Professor at NTNU in Trondheim and she also holds the position as Associate Professor II at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design where she co-directs the PhD programme.
Her research interests include material histories, cybernetics, theories of environment, continental philosophy, as well as ethics of globalization, systems biology, and critiques of the Anthropocene. Her academic work is published in journals such as Log, Journal of Design History, Arkitektur N and Kunst og kultur, and her work as an art critic is published in art magazines, museum catalogues, and artist books. She is editor-in-chief of the newly established ROM forlag, a publishing plattform by ROM for Art and Architecture. The book Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture & Design (Cappelen Damm Akademisk) was published in Spring 2021. For more info