Our first PhD from Bergen
Andrea defended her PhD on 17.9.2021
On September 17th, we celebrated our first PhD from the UiB, Dr. Andrea Johana Lopez Moreno.
Oppdatert: 09.11.2021 (Først publisert: 07.11.2021)
On Sep 17th 2021, Andrea Lopez Moreno successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Structural and biochemical characterization of acotomyosin motors in malaria parasites". Her opponents were Dr. Inga Siden Kiamos from IMBB-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, and Dr. Ross Douglas form the University of Giessen, Germany. The chairperson of the committee was Prof. Anni Vedeler from UiB.
Andrea is the first PhD to graduate from my group in Bergen.
Congratulations, Andrea!