Molekylære mekanismer for parasittmotilitet


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Open position

Post-doctoral (or graduate student) position in structural biology of parasite motility

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow or possibly a highly-qualified PhD student for a 3-year project (with an option for an extension of one year) in my group at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM), University of Oulu, Finland. The overall aim of my group is to understand the molecular mechanism of malaria parasite gliding motility. For this, we use a wide variety of structural biology and biochemical/biophysical methods. Our ongoing work is focused on (i) the polymerization and ATPase mechanism of actin, (ii) the structure and function of the glideosome-associated linker protein, and (ii) reconstructing the entire membrane delimited motor complex in vitro for structural and functional studies. The exact project will be agreed upon based on the experience and interests of the successful candidate.

Proteins, crystals, and filaments
Inari Kursula


The candidate should have either a PhD or MSc in a relevant field of science and have experience or at least a keen interest in all or several of the following:

- molecular biology and protein expression and purification

- biophysical and biochemical characterization of proteins and their complexes

- protein crystallography

- electron (cryo) microscopy

- light microscopy

We welcome applications particularly from candidates willing and eligible to apply for competitive funding from national, European, and international sources.

Our laboratory is split between the FBMM in Oulu and the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway. Our laboratories and the core facilities available for us have state-of-the-art equipment for molecular biology, protein biochemistry/biophysics, and electron and light microscopy. We have collaborations for cryo-EM and cell biology/parasitology.

The project is funded by the Sigrid Jusélius foundation, and the candidate will receive a personal stipend (tax-exempt up to the limit defined by the Finnish tax authorities).

Informal inquiries and applications including a motivation letter, a CV, and contact information for 2-3 referees are to be sent to inari.kursula@oulu.fi. Applications will be considered until 15.4.2022 or until a suitable candidate has been identified. The starting date is as soon as possible.

Publications most relevant for the project:

Vahokoski J, Calder L, Lopez AJ, Molloy JE, Kursula I & Rosenthal PB (2022) High-resolution structures of malaria parasite actomyosin and actin filaments. PLoS Pathog in press. Preprint version available in bioRxiv.

Kumpula EP, Lopez AJ, Tajedin L, Han H & Kursula I (2020) Atomic view into Plasmodium actin polymerization, ATP hydrolysis, and fragmentation. PLoS Biol 17: e3000315.

Kumpula EP, Pires IP, Lasiwa D, Piirainen H, Bergmann U, Vahokoski J & Kursula I (2017) Apicomplexan actin polymerization depends on nucleation. Sci Rep 7: 12137.

Pospich S, Kumpula EP, von der Ecken J, Vahokoski J, Kursula I & Raunser S (2017) Near-atomic structure of jasplakinolide-stabilized malaria parasite F-actin reveals the structural basis of filament instability. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 10636-10641.

Jacot D, Tosetti N, Pires IP, Stock J, Graindorge A, Hung YF, Han H, Tewari R, Kursula I & Soldati-Favre D (2016) An apicomplexan actin-binding protein serves as a connector and lipid sensor to coordinate motility and invasion. Cell Host Microbe 20: 731-743.


More info:

Group webpages in Oulu and Bergen

Selected publications