PhaCE – Pharmacy Centre for Educational excellence
In light of this changing role of the pharmacy profession, the pharmacy education is in dire need of a rejuvenation in order to educate pharmacists that can use their extensive knowledge about medicines to the best of the patients and society. PhaCE – Pharmacy Centre for Educational excellence, will explore how changing the way we teach and assess our students can change their professional identity, self-confidence, and professional behaviour, and how they position themselves.

The Pharmacy Centre of Educational Excellence, PhaCE, aims to educate pharmacists with a strong sense of social responsibility and professional self-confidence, who believe they can be a part of changing the world they live and practice in. To deliver this we aim to create a centre for educational excellence with a culture based upon responsiveness, creativity, adaptability, reflection, and dissemination. Our work will be organized into three strands:
I) Developing laboratories as learning arenas,
II) Developing excellent communicators, and
III) Developing pharmacists who embrace uncertainty.
Guiding principles for all work in PhaCE are:
1) Students as partners 2) Engaged educators, 3) Societal integration 4) Educational coherence, and 5) Value-based reflective practice.

Structure of PhaCE organisation {Management Team (MT), International Advisors Group (IAG), National Advisors Group (NAG), Student Group (SG), User Advisory Group (UAG), Pedagogy Task Force (PTF)}
The Centre for Pharmacy at the University of Bergen is a joint venture between the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This organisation fosters interprofessional collaboration and has resulted in strong and innovative new research. It is well suited for educating pharmacists for a broad range of careers - in laboratory and research work, regulatory and quality control work and as health care professionals in primary and secondary care. Despite being the smallest and newest of the pharmacy schools in Norway offering a 5-year degree, it has had a strong focus on educational excellence over several years. The head of the program committee Lone Holst is the first Excellent Teacher Practitioner in the field of pharmacy in Norway. Employees at the Centre have won educational awards for student active learning methods at Faculty and University level. The students participate in educational development, run a mentoring service for their peers and have won prices at the national pharmacy congress for presenting master thesis work and for presenting educational innovations. The Centre has been awarded both NORPART and “Program for student active learning” grants from DIKU.
Key academic staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and from the Medical Faculty contributing to PhaCE
Department | Name | Title |
Dep. of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS) /Dep. of Clinical Sciences (K2) | Head of the Centre for Pharmacy Member of program committee for Pharmacy Secretary in the Steering group for Pharmacy Member of TVEPS management team Member of Dep. board IGS | |
Dep. of Global Public Health and Primary Care |
| Leader of program committee for Pharmacy Leader of the research group in Social Pharmacy. Leader of FEST, a section at the Dept. of Global Public Health and Primary Care. Head of FREMFARM, DIKU-project for “Active learning” 2021-3. Observer in the Steering group for Pharmacy. Excellent teacher practitioner |
Dep. of Global Public Health and Primary Care | Head researcher in FREMFARM, DIKU-project for “Active learning” 2021-3 | |
Dep. of Clinical Sciences (K2) | Group leader for the research group on pharmaceutics Member of program committee for Pharmacy PI of the project "Precision therapy in childhood cancer" financed by the Norwegian Society for Pediatric Cancer. Partner in the Nordic Centre of Excellence "NordAqua" funded by NordForsk | |
Dep. of Clinical Sciences (K2) |
| Primary owner of a chain of community pharmacies |
Dep. of Chemistry | Member of program committee for Pharmacy Project leader in NFR research project | |
Dep. of Clinical Sciences (K2) | Head of the National Emergency Stock of Medicines (Nasjonalt beredskapslager for legemidler)
| |
Dep. of Clinical Sciences (K2) | Additional 20% researcher in FREMFARM, DIKU-project for “Active learning” 2021-3 Head Pharmacist at a community pharmacy | |
Dep. of Chemistry | Leader of a research group in Medicinal Chemistry Vice head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen Member of program committee for Pharmacy Scientific contact person for the Dept. of Chemistry for the HORIZON-MSCA-2021-COFUND application Bergen Research and Training program for future AI leaders across the disciplines submitted by the UiB. Project leader for an application to establish Norwegian open infrastructure for high-throughput experimentation and scale-up (NorHTE). Total budget 12 mill EUR. Application ranked no 28 out of 120. On reserve list for funding, awaiting decision. WP leader for multiple grants from NFR and Trond Mohn Foundation | |
Dep. of Chemistry | Leader and founder of a research group in Pharmacognosy Member of program committee for Pharmacy** Several on-going joint research projects with the research groups at Universität Friedrich Alexander Erlangen-Nürnberg and Charité Universitätsmedizin. Bilateral cooperation between UiB and Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Colegiado de Ciências Farmacêuticas (Brazil). Several research projects with the research groups of Professor Jarl Wikberg, Uppsala University, Sweden. Research collaboration with Associate Professor Joseph Sempombe, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania, and Assistant Prof. Saleh Rayyan, Birzeit University, Palestine. | |
Dep. of Biomedicine |
| Research leader of the Department of Biomedicine Leader of an internal research project with participants in five different countries. Leader of a project to implement research-oriented teaching in pharmacy education (2014-2015, 55 000 Euro from Gutenberg Teaching Council of the University of Mainz, Germany). Lead or collaborator in 6 projects in the last five years (3 as PI (2 x from NFR, 1 x from JPIAMR) and 3 as co-PI (2 x from NFR, 1 x from European commission), in total > 30 million NOK). Young investigator award of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) (2013). |
Dep. of Biomedicine | Leader of research group focusing on computational chemistry. Coordinator of Education for first year of medical school. Partner in NRC project on Radical frontier Researcher Project – NeuroConvergence (20M NOK in 2022). Developer of AMBER software for molecular modelling in collaboration with research groups at UCSD and Rutgers University. | |
Dep. of Clinical Science | Head of Research, Department of Clinical Science Member of program committee for Pharmacy Head of Core facility for flow cytometry Group leader at Broegelmann Research Laboratory PI on research project supported by FOREUM (2020-2022) €159.000 | |
Dep. of Chemistry | Leader of two research groups with finances from 3 NRC-projects within the last 3 years. Head of Education at the Dept. of Chemistry Head of the program committee for Chemistry |