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Instruments at ELMILAB

Several scanning electron microscopes are available at ELMILAB suited for diverse imaging approaches. The laboratories are equipped with instrumentation and reagents for the preparation of many types of materials, geo-, and life science samples.



Zeiss Supra 55 VP scanning electron microscope

The Zeiss Supra 55 VP is mainly configured for the compositional analysis of samples. Surface imaging can be combined with the detection of backscattered electrons and cathodoluminescence providing information on material density and structuring, crystal texture, and further sample features. Energy dispersive spectroscopy allows for the detection of chemical elements. The Zeiss Supra is frequently used by geologists for the characterization of sediments and rocks, by materials scientists, and by life scientists interested in the localization of chemical elements in biological samples. Software implemented for automated mapping and a scan generator that can record images of 32k x 32k pixels allow for imaging of large samples.


Zeiss Supra 55 VP FEG-SEM

Thermal field emission filament. High tension: 100 V - 30 kV. Single condenser column. Resolution: 1nm @ 15 kV. Magnification: 12 - 900.000×. Variable pressure. In-lens secondary electron detector. Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector. Angle selective backscatter detector. 4 quadrant STEM detector. Cathodoluminescence detector. Energy dispersive spectroscopy. Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy. Zeiss SmartSEM 5.07 and Atlas 4 software.

Irene Heggstad

FEI Quanta 450 scanning electron microscope

The Fei Quanta 450 is mainly used for routine surface imaging of various samples. It provides excellent image quality in high and low vacuum conditions.

FEI Quanta 450 FEG-SEM

Thermal field emission filament. High tension: 200V - 30 kV. Single condenser column. Resolution: 0.8 nm @ 30kV. Magnification: 6 - 1.000.000x. Variable Pressure. Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector. Backscatter detector.

Irene Heggstad

Zeiss Gemini 450 scanning electron microscope

The Zeiss Gemini 450 is mainly configured for automated and correlative imaging and efficient generation of large data sets. A broad set of secondary, backscatter, and scanning transmission detectors is available to obtain the best possible signal-to-noise ratios at fast scanning rates. The double condenser lens and the application of a negative potential to the sample can be used to further fine-tune the interaction of the electron beam and the sample. The software implemented allows for setting up long imaging runs and precise navigation to sample areas, which were imaged before with light microscopy or other kinds of imaging systems. The instrument is frequently used by life scientists for automated imaging of serial ultrathin sections for 3D analysis of cellular or tissue anatomy and 2D and 3D correlative light and electron microscopy. The microscope is also suited for mapping large areas and multimodal imaging of geo- and materials science samples.


Zeiss Gemini 450 FEG-SEM

Thermal field-emission filament. High tension: 20V - 30 kV. Double condenser column. Resolution: 0.6nm @ 30 kV. Magnification: 12 - 2.000.000×. Variable Pressure and NanoVP. In-lens secondary electron detector. In-lens energy selective backscatter detector, Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector. Variable pressure secondary electron detector. Annular backscatter detector, Annular scanning transmission detector. Tandem deceleration (stage bias). Zeiss SmartSEM 6.07, Zeiss Atlas 5 and Array tomography software.

Irene Heggstad

Jeol JEM-2100 transmission electron microscope

The Jeol JEM-2100 is a 200 KV TEM that can be used for brightfield, darkfield and diffraction mode imaging of material and life science samples at room and cryogenic temperatures. Large field-of-views can be recorded with the bottom mount 11 Megapixel CCD camera. The configuration of the microscope column and the motorized goniometer allow for high tilt angles of the sample holder and the automated acquisition of tilt series (electron tomography) and multiple regions of interest. Cryo-samples can be inserted with a single tilt cryo transfer holder. Scanning transmission mode imaging is possible via a STEM detector and can be used in combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analyses.

Jeol JEM-2100

LaB6 filament. High tension: 80 kV - 200 kV. Cryo pole piece. Resolution: 0.27 nm. Magnification: 1200 – 1,000,000x. Spot size 2.0 - 45 nm. Beryllium specimen tilting holder. Specimen tilting: ±60°. Bottom mount OSIS Quemesa 11 MP CCD camera with EMSIS Radius 2.2 software. AMWTEK Octane Elite TEM EDAX. Gatan 626 Single Tilt Cryo transfer holder. Gatan Dry pumping station Model 655. Gatan Smart Set Model 900 Cold Stage Controller.

Harald Hausen

Sample preparation equipment

Balzer Critical Point Dryer

Balzers CPD 030 Critical Point Dryer for artifact-free drying of wet samples.

Harald Hausen

Polaron Sputter Coater

Polaron Sputter Coater SC502 for coating samples with Au and Au/Pd.

Irene Heggstad

Gatan Carbon Coater

Gatan Etching Coating System Model 662 for argon ion polishing, etching, and coating of samples with Au/Pd, Pt, and Ir.

Irene Heggstad

Agar Carbon Coater

Agar Turbo Carbon Coater. For carbon coating of SEM samples and TEM grids. High and low vacuum operation for polished and coarse substrates.

Irene Heggstad

Fiske Osmometer

Fiske Micro-Osmometer for adjusting the osmolarity of fixatives and buffers.

Harald Hausen

Biowave tissue processor

Pelco Biowave Pro+. Laboratory microwave for fast processing of life science samples.

Harald Hausen

TAAB Embedding oven

TAAB MK II Embedding oven for heat polymerization of embedding media under atmospheric pressure and in vacuum.

Harald Hausen

Reichert TM 60

Reichert TM 60 for block trimming of plastic embedded samples

Harald Hausen

Harrick Plasma Cleaner

Harrick Plasma Cleaner PDC-002-CE for hydrophilization of grids, slides and silicon wafers.

Harald Hausen

Leica UC6 ultramicrotome

Leica Ultramicrotome UC6 for the preparation of ultrathin sections of plastic embedded tissue. With de-ionizer and optional cryo-unit. Customized solutions for lossless preparation of serial sections.

Harald Hausen

Leic UC7 ultramicrotome

Leica Ultramicrotome UC7 for the preparation of ultrathin sections of plastic embedded tissue. With de-ionizer and integrated camera. Customized solutions for lossless preparation of serial sections.

Harald Hausen