Bergen senter for etikk og prioritering (BCEPS)


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Online seminar

SEVPRI Philosophy of Priority Setting Seminar

The SEVPRI Philosophy of Priority Setting Seminar is held every first Tuesday of the month in collaboration with Just Severity. Participation is open to all who are interested in the topic.

Philosophy of priority setting



Tuesday 5 December

  • To be announced

Tuesday 7 November

  • To be announced

Tuesday 3 October

  • To be announced

Tuesday 5 September
Liam Strand (Linköping University): ”Exploring moral consistency during a crisis”

Tuesday 6 June
Albert Didriksen (Central European University): "Health priority, fairness, discrimination and the All-Inclusive View"

Tuesday 2 May
Sindre A. Horn (BCEPS/SEVPRI): "Atkinson's inequality measure applied to health"

Tuesday 4 April
Mathias Barra (SEVPRI/HØKH): "Why you should accept free will"

Tuesday 7 March
Paal Fredrik Skjørten Kvarberg: "Natural Normativity: Well-being, function and evolution"

Tuesday 7 February
Adam Ehlert (Uppsala University): ""Double Threshold Prioritarianism"


Tuesday 6 December
Borgar Jølstad (SEVPRI/HØKH): "Problems with tiebreakers in priority setting"

Tuesday 1 November
Adam Ehlert (Uppsala University): "The ethics of severity as a priority setting criterion in healthcare"

Tuesday 4 October
Mathias Barra (SEPVRI): "Subjective accounts of severity and mapping onto moral background theories"

Tuesday 6 September
Mathias Barra & Sindre A. Horn (SEVPRI): "Power means and Atkinson's measure of inequality"

Tuesday 7 June
Sindre A. Horn (SEVPRI/BCEPS): "Aversion to inequality in health"

Tuesday 3 May
Mathias Barra (SEVPRI PI): "A formal "bare-bones" prioritarian framework"

Tuesday 5 April
Preben Sørheim (University of Bergen): "The relevance of longevity in moral and political philosophy"

Tuesday 1 March
Lars Sandman (Linköping University) & Niklas Juth (Karolinska Institute): "Just Severity – Severity and priority setting in Sweden"

Tuesday 1 February – Cancelled due to illness

Tuesday 4 January
Borgar Jølstad (SEVPRI/HØKH): "On Adaptation"


Tuesday 7 December
Joar Björk (Karolinska Institute): "Just responsibilities? On responsibility for health in Swedish healthcare prority setting"

Tuesday 2 November
José Manuel Aburto (University of Oxford): "Analysing longevity through the lens of lifespan inequality"

Tuesday 5 October
Jon Magnussen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): "Absolute QALY shortfall operationalisation of severity for use in health technology assesment in Norway"

Tuesday 7 September
Mathias Barra (SEVPRI PI): "The severity of well-treated severe illness"

Tuesday 1 June
Borgar Jølstad (SEVPRI/HØKH): "Severity, Age and the Relevance View"

Tuesday 4 May
Lars Sandman (Linköping University): "Is there support for having patient benefit as an independent criteria for priority setting - when taking into account severity and cost-effectiveness?"

Tuesday 6 April 
Preben Sørheim (University of Bergen): "Defining Premature Death: Concepts, measures, and normative validity"

Tuesday 2 March
Sindre A. Horn (SEVPRI/BCEPS): "Social Egalitarianism and Health – Implications for Priority Setting"

Time: 11:00 - 12:30 (30 minutes presentation + 60 minutes discussion)