Would you like to contact the DECODE-PD Centre?
Get in touch with our Centre Director Prof. Tzoulis, or with our Centre Coordinator for Research and Innovation (Yamila Torres Cleuren).
Visiting address to the K1 administration:
The University of Bergen Department of Clinical Medicine
Haukeland University Hospital
The Laboratory Building, 7th floor
Postal address letters:
The University of Bergen
(name of person and unit)
Department of Clinical Medicine
Jonas Lies veg 87
N-5021 Bergen
Delivery address:
The University of Bergen
(name of person and unit)
Department of Clinical Medicine
Jonas Lies veg 91
BN-5021 Bergen
Note that the academic staff and the technical staff have offices and labs in various locations around the Haukeland Hospital area.
Invoice address:
The University of Bergen
Felles fakturamottakpostboks 7800
5020 Bergen