Routines and templates for NORHED II projects
Below you will find routines on reporting and other issues related to the management of the NORHED II programme at UiB, in addition to templates for reporting.
Updated implementation plan and updated budget (deadline 31 January)
These routines are also described in a pdf that may be downloaded. Templates for reporting are found below and will also be e-mailed to the project leader at UiB in advance of the deadline.
Date | Actions taken | Responsible |
December | UiB project leader will receive templates for implementation plan + updated budget, and information about the deadline. | NORHED II team |
31 January | UiB Project leader is responsible for handing in all required documents in one batch. The template for the implementation plan contains a checklist where the UiB Project leader ticks the boxes to confirm that the submitted documents are prepared according to the contract and budget guidelines. | UiB Project leader |
No disbursements will be made before all required documents have been submitted. | UiB Project leader | |
February | Feedback on the updated implementation plan and updated budget to UiB project leader. | NORHED II team |
Continuously | Any changes to the project source of income, the result framework, delays of the planned results in the results framework or reallocation of more than 10 % of an annual budget line are subject to the Norwegian institution’s prior written approval. | UiB Project leader |
Annual progress report (deadline 31 March)
These routines are also described in a pdf that may be downloaded. Templates for reporting are found below and will also be e-mailed to the project leader at UiB in advance of the deadline.
Date | Actions taken | Responsible |
December | All projects should submit the South partner audit checklist for each partner with information about the auditor and the selection for the upcoming audit. This must be submitted to | UiB Project leader |
January | UiB project leader will receive templates for the annual progress report and information about the deadline. The templates for Annual narrative report and Annual financial report are available here, the template for the Annual quantitative report will be sent to each UiB project leader. | NORHED II team |
January | Meeting with all UiB project leaders + admin resources to go through reporting. | NORHED II team |
31 March | UiB Project leader is responsible for handing in all required documents in one batch. The template for the narrative report contains a checklist where the UiB Project leader ticks the boxes to confirm that the submitted documents are prepared according to the contract and budget guidelines. | UiB Project leader |
No disbursements will be made before all required documents have been submitted. | UiB Project leader | |
April/May | Feedback on Annual progress report to UiB project leader. | NORHED II team |
Routines and templates for disbursement requests
Disbursements should be made based on the financial need of the Partner Institution for project activities in the upcoming period (not exceeding 6 months).
All disbursements are conditional upon the Partner institutions continued compliance with the requirements in the partnership contract, including the timely fulfilment of reporting obligations.
Please see the template for disbursement request for required information and documentation.
Routines in case of financial misconduct or formal complaints
Financial misconduct/irregularities
1. The UiB project leader (or the person who discovers or suspects financial misconduct) shall immediately inform the NORHED II team at UiB.
2. The NORHED II team shall consider if any action is necessary for UiB to take at this point to limit damage to project.
3. If there is any indication of financial irregularities in or related to the NORHED Programme the NORHED II team shall immediately inform Norad.
4. The part that has been affected by the financial misconduct reports this through Norad’s whistleblowing channel: See more information on Norad's page on how to report. Norad’s Fraud and Integrity Unit takes over the case.
Formal complaints
Formal complaints on decisions made by the NORHED II team concerning the management of the NORHED II programme shall be directed to the Deputy Director General at the Division of research and innovation, Alette Gilhus Mykkeltvedt at