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Health Environmental Safety

Duplicate of Compulsory HSE course

All new students who are to take KJEM109, KJEM110 or FARM110 at the Department of Chemistry, must participate in our Health, Environment and Safety course, HSE I, to gain access to laboratory courses. The course consists of a theoretical part and a practical part.

Nye faresymboler fra 2015
New pictograms from 2015


HSE and laboratory safety have been implemented in all laboratory courses at bachelor's and master's level at the Department of Chemistry.

HSE I course , spring 2025:

The HSE I course is compulsory for students who are going to take a chemistry course with a laboratory course. 

Registration for the course:All students who take KJEM109/KJEM110/FARM110 are registered for the HSE I course by the study administration and do not ned to register themselves. Others who need the course can report this to: Studierettleiar@kj.uib.no

The HSE I course will be completed with two parts: a theoretical part and a practical part. Both parts must be approved in order to be approved for the HSE course.

  • Theory part: Aud 1 kl 10:00-11:30
  • Practical part: kl. 12:00-15:00, the practical part consists of a laboratory, first aid and fire drill part

Students who have previously approved the HSE I course do not need to take this again if it is not more than 4 years ago. If the course is older, you must contact the HSE coordinator at the department to find out if it can still be approved. This is because routines and safety requirements change. HSE coordinator Lisbeth Glærum is responsible for the course: Lisbeth.Glarum@uib.no 

All students who are to take a laboratory course under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry must participate in this Health, Environment and Safety course, which is arranged by the department in advance of each semester.

Laboratory work must take place in safe forms. It is therefore a prerequisite that everyone knows the risk factors such work entails, and what to do if an accident should occur.

Topics covered include chemical handling, safe waste disposal and firefighting.

The course is compulsory for everyone who is to follow laboratory teaching at the Department of Chemistry.

NB! The course is only given once at the start of the semester, Friday week 2 in the spring semester and Friday week 33 in the autumn semester.

NOTE: Even if you have approved some chemistry courses from other institutions, you must still take the HSE course at the Department of Chemistry, UiB, if you are to take courses with a laboratory course with us. Those who have taken the HSE course at the Department of Chemistry, UiB, previously, do not need to take the course again.

HSE courses taken elsewhere cannot replace this course which is adapted to the routines and laboratory facilities at the Department of Chemistry.



HSE II course, spring 2025:

  •  Time: Monday 13. January  2025 kl. 09:15-12:00 (In norwergian)
  •  Place: Realfagbygget 

This is a compulsory upper secondary HSE course for master's students at the Department of Chemistry:

Master's program in chemistry

* Integrated master's program in pharmacy

* Master's program in energy

* Integrated associate professor education, specialization in chemistry

* Master's program in nanoscience

* Integrated master in medical technology

Master's program in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (Fellesgrad)


NB! In the programs marked with *, the HSE II course is only compulsory for students with a supervisor at the Department of Chemistry,

Master's students at the Department of Chemistry shall not start work in laboratories or workshops until they have been made aware of the risk to their own health and safety that may be associated with the work they are to do.

The training includes substance registers, emergency preparedness, necessary first aid, use of protective equipment and the various routines that apply to chemical handling at the Department of Chemistry.

All employees and students at the department must have read through the safety manual that is available on the department's website before laboratory work begins.

It will be a mandatory test afterwards that must be approved before one can begin work in the laboratory.

For others who cannot participate, the supervisor must be able to document similar training.