International Staff Support: A-Z
Explore our A-Z overview below – by clicking on the desired topic, you will find a brief explanation and a link to more details.
Overview of topics
Access Card
Accompanied by partner
Bank account and services and Bank-ID
Become an online user
Bringing children
Bringing pets
Courses for new international employees
Internet and telephone
Moving goods to Bergen
Moving within Norway
Social security & health insurances
Staying in Norway less than 90 days
Staying in Norway more than 90 days
Taxes in Norway
Trade unions
Access Card
The card manager at your unit will order the access card for you. You will need the card to access UiB buildings, as a library card and to use the printers at UiBWhen ordered, you must bring your ID to the Card Centre at UiB, who will take a photo of you and finish the process of making the card. More information about how to order access card at UiB here.
Information about UiB Guesthousing, as well as information and tips for finding private housing. Read more here.
Relocating to another country can be both challenging and exciting. Traveling with a partner might raise the important question: “How do I find a job in Norway?” Applying for jobs in Norway may be a very different process than in your home country. Read more here.
Bank account
If you are staying for more than 6 months in Norway, we recommend that you open a bank account. Here you can read more about banking services. You can also read about Bank-ID, an electronic identification and signing which is used for many public services.
Becoming an online user
Becoming an online user with the tax administration will give you access to your tax information.
Bringing children
Norway is considered to be a family-friendly country where the welfare politics makes it easier for couples and single-parents to combine work and family life. Read more about kindergarten and school for your children.
Read more about bringing pets to Norway here.
Courses for new international employees
UiB offers three courses for new international employees to learn about UiB services, UiB as employer and Norwegian working culture. You can read more about your onboarding here.
Enjoying Bergen
Bergen - A World Heritage City! Bergen is the Gateway to the Fjords of Norway. As a UNESCO World Heritage City and a European City of Culture, the Bergen region has the ideal combination of nature, culture and exciting urban life all year around.
Getting around
Learn how to get around in Bergen.
Health Services
In Norway, public health services are generally considered to be well organized and meet top professional standards. Although there are private medical insurance very few Norwegians have this. Learn more about it here.
In order to live and work in Norway you must check which requirements from the Norwegian Directorate for immigration (UDI) are applicable for your situation. Read useful information you will need to know here.
Internet and telephone
Basic information about Internet, mobile phones and WiFi at UiB here.
Language courses
We offer a range of Norwegian language courses to international students and employees at the University of Bergen, as well as immigrants and refugees. Partners and spouses of international employees at the UiB may also apply for admission.
Moving gods to Bergen
Information about customs, financial support, tips and useful maps and directions here.
Moving within Norway
What you need to do and consider when you are moving within Norway.
Networking and activities
Moving to a new country and culture you will face many challenges. Read more about how to get to know people and activities you can do here.
Go through our checklist for onboarding for international employees, with all the necessary steps for you.
Parking av UiB
All who use UiB parking space must have a valid parking permit. You can get your parking permit by registering in the UiB parking system and then downloading and registering in the Aimo Park Norway AS app. Read more about it here.
Public services
Practical information about public offices and Altinn, your way to communicate with them.
Renewal of residence permit
Read more about how to get a permanent recidency in Norway here.
Social security and health insurance
You are normally covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme from day one of your legal stay when you have a Norwegian employer. When you are on a short stay or you don't receive salary from a Norwegian employer this might be different. Read more about it here.
Staying in Norway less than 90 days
Important information for you who are staying in Norway less than 90 days.
Staying in Norway longer than 90 days
Depending on your citizenship, different rules apply. Read everything you need to know if you are staying in Norway more than 90 days.
Taxes in Norway
Read more about income tax, how to get a tax card and how much tax you should pay here.
Trade unions
The trade unions look after the interest of its members at the workplace.
Important information for work travel and private travel.