
Forskergruppe for kriminalitet, ansvar og sikkerhet


Graphich art representing law, philosophy and psychology


The research group is concerned with legal constructs, rules and practices relying on medical or psychological premises. Core research themes include juvenile justice and criminal accountability for mentally ill offenders.

Head of the research group is professor Linda Gröning.

See the list of members of the research group.

ERC Consolidator Grant
Portretfoto av Linda Gröning

Seeking clarification of criminal law’s understanding of mental illness

Professor Linda Gröning at UiB receives a prestigious grant from the European Research Council to explore the connection between mental illness and criminal responsibility.

Teenager boy in black hoodie standing outside school


PROTECT is a five-year project on children’s rights and crime prevention. The project is led by Linda Gröning and Marit Skivenes, and funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Illustrasjonsbilde av ungdom i fengsel


CHILDCRIM is a five-year project on assessments about children's criminal insanity and violence risk. The project is funded by The Research Council of Norway.
Illustration photo DIMENSIONS


DIMENSIONS is a five-year project on criminal insanity and psychosis. The project is funded by The Research Council of Norway.
Logo: Helse Bergen og UiB.

Bergen Research Network on Law and Mental Health

The Research Group for Criminal Justice collaborates with the Center for Security, Forensic and Prison Psychiatry (Haukeland University Hospital) in the Bergen Research Network on Law and Mental Health.

Network coordinators: Stephen Mathis (UiB) and Daniil Butenko (Haukeland Uni. Hospital).