The laser microtome TissueSurgeon is a multi-purpose sectioning instrument, which enables precise and contact free cutting of biological samples and a broad range of biomaterials and materials. Based on femto-second laser technology, it can be used for sectioning, structuring or gentle extraction of samples and materials in 2D and 3D for analysis. Fundamental limits of mechanical tissue preparation can be overcome when it comes to cutting of hard tissue, implanted tissue or difficult to cut materials.
Fields of application
- Osteology and Orthopedics (non-decalcified hard tissue and implant interface research)
- Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research and Medicine (soft tissue with biomaterials and stents, calcified plaques)
- Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering (implants, scaffolds)
- Oro-facial and Dental Medicine (non-decalcified hard tissues with metal, ceramic or polymer implants)
- Oto-laryngealogy and Audiology (e.g. cochlea, implants)
- Preclinical studies from mouse to large animal models
Principle of Laser Microtomy
In contrast to mechanical microtomy laser microtomy is a contact free cutting method for preparation of tissue slices. Main component of TissueSurgeon is a femtosecond laser, tightly focussed into the specimen by a high-numerical aperture objective. The high intensities inside the focal volume lead to nonlinear absorption processes and finally to the disruption of the illuminated material. This effect is limited to the focal diameter of the laser pulse of approx. 1-5 µm. The whole area of the sample is scanned by the pulsed laser to perform the cutting process.
Cutting Conditions
- Cutting Thickness: ca. 10 – 100 µm
- Cutting Speed: ca. 1 mm² /s
- Sample Size: max. 40 x 40 mm