CanCode: Kanonisering og kodifisering av islamske lovtekster


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CanCode News

Short report on the Transmission workshop

Here you can read more about the workshop held in Bergen, June 13-14, 2023, with the title "Transmitting Canonized and Codified Legal Knowledge in Islamic Societies: Practices, Genres, and Institutions"

workshop 1
Mohamed Noor


The workshop was held in preparation of a theme issue with the following papers:

Processes of Canonization and Codification in Transmission of Islamic Legal Knowledge: A Theoretical Perspective beyond the Premodern/Modern BinaryEirik Hovden (University of Bergen)

Canonizing al-Furūq: Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qarāfī’s Text on Legal Canons Elias G. Saba (Grinnell College)

Hanbali Legal Riddles in the 9th/15th Century Matthew L. Keegan (Barnard College)

Playing with the Canon: Ḥanafī Legal Riddles in the Mamluk Period Christian Mauder (University of Bergen)

Canonization Processes at Modern Islamic Religious Universities: Al-Azhar University and UIN Syarif HidaytullahAria Nakissa (Washington University in St. Louis)

Teaching Law at Dār al-Ḥadith: Conformity, Creativity, and Hybridity in Contemporary Islamic EducationAsma Sayeed (UCLA) and Nour-Eddine Qaouar (Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies)

A Tale of Two Ṭarīqas: The Iraqi and Khurasani Shāfiʿī Communities in the Fourth/Tenth and Fifth/Eleventh CenturiesMariam Sheibani (Cambridge Muslim College)

‘Becoming a Canon’: History, Process and Context in the Canonization of Minhāj al-Ṭālibīn along the Western Indian Ocean Coast in the 19th and 20th CenturiesMohamed Aidarus Noor (University of Bergen)

Translation Processes and the Transmission of Islamic Legal Knowledge in Norway Olav Elgvin (University of Bergen)