Institutt for geovitenskap


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Masterprosjekt - Ressurser / Energi

Reservoir modeling of tidal regressive units in outcrop and the subsurface


Project description
The main goal of this thesis is to build and test reservoir models of tidal influenced regressive units using outcrop and subsurface data, with the interest of producing vital information for subsurface modelling this type of units in general. It is a project in which the candidate will gain training and experience in reservoir modeling methods, but also on sedimentology and stratigraphy.

Facies models for sedimentary systems developed at progradational, tidal influenced shorelines (e.g., tidal modulated shorefaces and tidal deltas) are relatively underdeveloped in comparison to models of tidal systems developed in transgressive contexts. As such, they have been less identified and modelled in subsurface scenarios. This gap in knowledge, and the importance of these units in the Norwegian shelf, make this type of study particularly relevant.

The Sego sandstone in Utah, USA, is validated by previous studies and by experience of the supervisors as an ideal candidate for this study. Furthermore, the Garn and Ile formations are chosen as potential candidates for the subsurface unit given their importance as a reservoir and their well-known tidal signatures. The candidate will be a field assistant for another MSc candidate studying the sedimentary architecture of the Sego sandstone near the town of Green River, Utah in spring 2024. Logs and major stratigraphic surfaces obtained in the field will be the key constraints to build a reservoir model of the outcrop. The candidate will also assist the same MSc candidate in the logging of sections from cores at NPD in Stavanger. With the data from the outcrop and subsurface examples, the candidate will build several reservoir models in PETREL software, trying different strategies to represent sedimentary heterogeneity at the inter-well scale, and testing how heterogeneities of this scale may impact fluid flow in a reservoir.

It’s expected that this thesis will produce relevant information for modeling tidal influenced reservoirs, most likely on modelling strategies and/or the impact that the inter-well sedimentary architecture can have on fluid flow. It’s expected that these result will have direct application to project GEOPARD which is run by the supervisors. The candidate will gain experience in reservoir modelling, sedimentology, and stratigraphy, which are key skills for a geologist in the energy industry.

Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS):
GEOV352 - Field course in reservoir geology
GEOV360 - Advanced clastic sedimentology

Felt- lab- og analysearbeid
Field work in Utah, spring 2024
Core analysis in NPD in Stavanger