Invited lecturers
Throughout the year BRSI arranges lectures with experts in their field to present their research. Students and researchers are given the oppotunity to meet one-on-one for discussions of their own projects.
Previous speakers
- 5th October 2023- Associate Prof. Juhi Bagaitkar, Ohio State University, USA: Type II Interferons and oral mucosal antiviral immunity
- 14th September 2023- Prof. Riitta Lahesmaa, Turku Bioscience Centre, Finland: New Regulators of Human T-Cell Differentiation
- 9th November 2022- Prof. Anna Blom, Lund University: Cytoprotective roles of cytosolic forms of C3
- 26th October 2022- Prof. Vivianne Malmström, Karolinska Institute: Current understanding of T cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)– antigen specificities, repretoires, and effector functions
- 12th October 2022- Prof. Gunnar Pejler, Uppsala University: Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions