Project activities and outputs
On this page, you'll find information about the progress of the project in the form of activities and publications.
![A man in black sweater presenting a PowerPoint](×tamp=1695109807)
Gernot Rieder presenting during CoPol's kick-off meeting in Oslo in February 2022.
Kjetil Rommetveit
- Kick-off meeting for project participants and advisory board in Oslo. 02-03.02.22
- The project's postdoctoral fellow, Gernot Rieder, and it's PhD candidate, Johannes Andresen Oldervoll, were hired in the first quarter of 2020.
- Rommeveit, Kjetil: Pandemifrokost #8. Rommetveit presented CoPol at this event, which is part of a series of monthly seminars organized by the interdisciplinary Pandemic Center at the University of Bergen. Christie café, Bergen 20.05.22
- Rommetveit, Kjetil and van Dijk, Niels: Panel - Design-based responsible digital innovation? during the workshop Responsible Research and Innovation in/under Urgency, Athens, Greece 03.06.22
- CoPol reading group: Bruno Latour's political philosophy. This was one of a series of bimonthly reading seminars organized by CoPol researchers. SVT, UiB, 30.11.22
- Digital consortium meeting 21.04.203
- Rommetveit, Kjetil: Panel - Mapping the territories of digital contact tracing during the 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023: Disruption and Repair in and beyond STS. University of Oslo, 08.06.23
- Focus group with national decision-makers: Smittesporing og digital beredskap: et dialogmøte med sentrale norske aktører (Contact tracing and digital preparedness: a dialogue meeting with central Norwegian actors). The focus group consisted of 11 participants: Three members of CoPol ad representatives from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, the Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics and the Directorate of e-health. Oslo, 13.06.23
Metzler, Ingrid & Åm, Heidrun (2022) How the governance of and through digital contact tracing technologies shapes geographies of power. Policy & Politics, 50(2), 181-198.
Rommetveit, Kjetil & van Dijk, Niels (2022) Privacy engineering and the techno-regulatory imaginary. Social Studies of Science, 52(6), 853–877.