Nasjonal forskerskole i ernæring (NutriNOR)


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Summer school

NutriNOR summer school 2023

The first summer school organized by NutriNOR shed light on "Food safety, risk assessment and new approach methodologies (NAM) in nutrition and toxicology".

Piet Selke giving a lecture at NutriNOR summer school 2023
Piet Selke from dialogik GmbH giving a lecture at the NutriNOR summer school.
Jutta Dierkes for UiB


15 PhD candidates from Norway and the Netherlands gathered for 3 days in Bergen to learn more about food safety and risk assessment, and the methods and approaches used. A large part of the program was dedicated to risk communication, and how to apply the risk assessment approach to nutritional aspects.

The program included presentations by Prof. Anders Goksøyr who gave an introduction to toxicology, by Dr. Jan Alexander on risk assessment, and by Prof. Josef Rasinger on new approach methodologies in toxicology and risk assessment. The risk communication part was led by Dr. Piet Sellke from dialogik GmbH, a company that is specializing in risk and crisis communication. The nutrition aspect was covered by discussing risk and benefits of a vegan diet, presented by Prof. Cornelia Weikert.

Besides the scientific program, participants also had lots of fun when the whole group attended the VilVite center for some team building exercises.