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Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting

We cordially invite you to join us in Bergen, Norway from Tuesday 28th until Friday 31st May 2024!

Illustration: Melanie Burford


We aim to generate an interactive and dynamic atmosphere to foster interactions between developmental biologists in the Nordic countries and the wider international community. We offer an exciting programme with two keynote speakers, twenty-three invited speakers and fourteen contributed talks ranging from developmental biology, and stem cell biology to regeneration in a large diversity of research organisms and systems. 

The meeting will be held at Media City Bergen in Norway and is open to everybody. It is jointly organised by the Michael Sars Centre at the University of Bergen, the Swedish Developmental Biology Organisation (SWEDBO), the Finnish Society for Developmental Biology (FSDB), and researchers from Norway and Denmark.


Plenary speakers:
Mike Levine (Princeton University), jointly with the Michael Sars Symposium
Andrea Brand (University of Cambridge)

Confirmed speakers for the 4th Nordic Meeting on Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration
Anne Grapin-Botton (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
Sara Wickström (MPI for Molecular Biomedicine, Muenster)
Emma Andersson (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
Pekka Katajisto (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm/University of Helsinki)
Anna Kicheva (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg)
Max Yun (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics / TU Dresden)
Sophie Petropoulos (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm/Université de Montréal)
Dario Lupiañez (Max Delbrück Center, Berlin)
Claudio Franco (University of Lisbon)
Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)

Confirmed speakers for the Michael Sars Symposium 2024
Robert Prevedel (EMBL, Heidelberg)
Shona Wood (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)
Cristian Cañestro (Evo-Devo-Genomics, University of Barcelona)
Sylvie Rétaux (Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, Saclay)
Kathrin Garschall (Michael Sars Centre, University of Bergen)
Lora Sweeney (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg)
Kirsty Wan (Living Systems Institute, Exeter)
Celina Juliano (College of Biological Sciences, UC Davis)
David Parichy (University of Virginia, Charlottesville)
Jon Vidar Helvik (BIO, University of Bergen)

Local Organizers

Patrick Steinmetz, Marios Chatzigeorgiou, Fabian Rentzsch, Luiza Ghila.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Claudio Cantù, Ditte Andersen, Josh Brickman, Kaska Koltowska, Satu Kuure, Luiza Ghila, Mattias Mannervik, Renata Prunskaite-Hyyryläinen, Ruth Palmer, Sara Wilson, Ulrika Marklund, Sanna Vuoristo.

Administrative Support

Anne-Grethe Michelsen, Carol Bruce, Johanne-Berit Revheim, Marion Lebouvier, Melanie Burford, Stein Gulliksen.


Pictures of Bergen
ColourBox, Melanie Burford

As a UNESCO World Heritage City and a European City of Culture nestled between fjords and mountains, Bergen has the ideal combination of nature, culture, and exciting urban life year-round. The city is an international centre for aquaculture, shipping, the offshore petroleum industry and subsea technology, and a vibrant hub for marine research.

Bergen is located in a typical West Norwegian landscape with high mountains, fjords, bays and thousands of small and large islands and skerries. The rich diversity of animals encountered on the Bergen coast effectively complements in-house aquaculture facilities, thus broadening the scope of research projects for the surrounding research institutes.