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Master's project

Glacier and climate reconstruction during the Holocene

In my master's project I study glacier and climate reconstruction during the Holocene with focus on the Little Ice Age in Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway.

Emanuel Patrik Berchtold, master student in physical geography.


This study combines geomorphological mapping with lichenometry and core analysis (X-ray fluorescence core scanning, Magnetic Susceptibility, Macrofossil analysis, radiocarbon dating) to determine the change of the glacier extent in Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway, since the Little Ice Age and further back in the Holocene. Changes in the equilibrium-line altitude are determined, as well as recent and ancient glaciofluvial and colluvial processes are investigated. These are indicators for past glacier variabilities.

My field work was devided into three parts: The first part consisted of geomorphological mapping where I walked through my study area and marked geomorphological features in a map. The second part consisted of Lichenometry measurements, where I measured lichens on moraines to determine their age. The third part consisted of coring, whereby I pushed a tube into the ground and digged it out.

The study region was difficult to access, rough terrain and good hiking experience are required. And expect to carry a heavy backpack, a spade and a core.

I have learned a lot in my Master studies, not only on the various excursions we had but also in my Master project.

It is nice that you can also gain a lot of practical experience since you go out in the field to do the different methods by yourself, such as mapping, coring etc. And you always get a clear introduction to each method beforehand what helps.