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Policy event on Democracy

At this event in Brussels on 23 January 2024, researchers from the University of Bergen and NORCE presented and discussed new and pressing democracy issues with policy makers and experts from the European Commission and stakeholder organizations.

header photo with title of event
Nora Nordvik, UiB 2023


How can research and innovation contribute to a future robust society?

At this event, we discussed what we mean by democracy today and how R&I can contribute to robust knowledge-based democracies. In parallell sessions we addressed democracy in the contexts of artificial intelligence, climate change, and democratic participation platforms.  Researchers, policy makers, and experts from the European Commission and stakeholder organizations will highlight these issues together.

The goal was to present challenges, perspectives and solutions, raise awareness of democracy as a crucial research topic for Europe, and discuss how to enhance future research on democracy.

We emphasized the importance of democracy in the upcoming 10th framework programme for research and innovation, placing it at the center alongside sustainable development, climate-friendly growth, and digitalization.

The event was hosted by the University of Bergen (UiB) and NORCE - Norwegian Research Centre.


Download programme in pdf

New Challenges to Democracy
How can R&I contribute to a future robust society?

12:30Networking lunch 
13:30Welcoming keynoteMargareth HAGEN, Rector, University of Bergen (UiB)
Camilla STOLTENBERG, CEO, Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) 
13:50Keynote speechSigne RATSO, Deputy Director General, DG RTD, European Commission
 PLENARY SESSION I: Setting the Scene - Democracy in Europe in 2024

Panel debate:
Democracy in Europe in 2024

Maryline FIASCHI,
CEO, Science|Business


  • Francisco DE LA TORRE FRANCIA, Deputy Head of Unit, DG RTD D.4, Democracy & European Values, European Commission 
  • Assya KAVRAKOVA, Executive Director, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)
  • Silvia KOTANIDIS, Policy Analyst, Citizens' Policies, DG for Parliamentary Research Services, European Parliament
  • Karl Harald SØVIG, Dean, Professor, The Faculty of Law, UiB 
  • Sveinung ARNESEN, Research Professor, NORCE 
14:55Transitional coffee break

Parallel 1: 
Democratic Tensions in Climate Politics

Håvard HAARSTAD, Professor, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), UiB


  • Thea GREGERSEN, Senior Researcher, NORCE 
  • Fay FARSTAD, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Politics, UiB
  • Richard YOUNGS, Senior Fellow, Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, Carnegie Europe
  • Lina STRANDVÅG NAGELL, Topic Lead, Sustainable Finance & Economy, Bellona

Parallel 2:
AI + Society + ? = Smart Society

Marija SLAVKOVIK, Head of Department, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB 


  • Sveinung ARNESEN, Research Professor, NORCE 
  • Malgorzata CYNDECKA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UiB
  • Nicolas MOËS, Executive Director, The Future Society
  • Thomas MYHR, Director of European Affairs, Nordvision

Parallel 3:
Engaging Society and Good Democratic Deliberation

Anne Lise FIMREITE, Professor, Department of Government, UiB


  • Andreas N. UHRE, Senior Researcher, NORCE 
  • Adriana BUNEA, Professor, Department of Comparative Politics, UiB
  • Francisca COSTA REIS, Scientific Officer, European Research Council Executive Agency
  • Adam NYMAN, Director, Citizen Outreach and Engagement, Debating Europe
16:00Transitional coffee break 
 PLENARY SESSION II: Looking ahead – Research for Innovative Democracy

Summing up the parallel sessions  

Maryline FIASCHI,
CEO, Science|Business 

Moderator parallel 1:
Professor, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), UiB

Moderator parallel 2:
Head of Department, Professor, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, UiB

Moderator parallel 3: 
Anne Lise FIMREITE, 
Professor, Department of Government, UiB


Panel debate:
Looking ahead: Research for Innovative Democracy

Maryline FIASCHI,
CEO, Science|Business


  • David MAIR, Head of Unit, Science for Democracy and Evidence-Informed Policymaking, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Gabi LOMBARDO, Director, European Alliance of Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH)
  • Elisabeth IVARSFLATEN, Professor, Department of Government, UiB 
  • Ida Vikøren ANDERSEN, Senior Researcher, NORCE 
  • Martin PAULSEN, Head of Department, Department of Foreign Languages, UiB 
17:20Summing up the dayMargareth HAGEN,  Rector, UiB
17:30 - 20:00: Networking reception