Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics


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Record participation in the SPE11 benchmark

The deadline for submitting participation agreements to the 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project (the “SPE11”) has just passed, and as of writing 44 research groups from around the world have joined!

a collage of a laboratory experiment (left) and a numerical simulation (right)
Left: laboratory experiment, right: numerical simulation
Martin Fernø, Lluis Saló-Salgado and Jan Martin Nordbotten


The 11th comparative solution project consists of three Benchmark datasets which are motivated by the simulation challenges associated with CO2 storage operations in geological settings of realistic complexity. Professor J. M. Nordbotten is a PI in the VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD), and the lead organizer of the study. When asked to comment on the participation number and the future progress of the SPE11, he answers:

"We are extremely honored to see the response our SPE11 description has received in the community, and are thankful to all the research groups that have chosen to prioritize time and resources to participate in the study. 44 participating groups is beyond any of our expectations, and is by far a record for any SPE comparative solution project, and promises to make the SPE11 a milestone within computational simulation of geological carbon storage.”

Important dates:

  • 1 December 2023
    Open call for participation period ends, Signed Agreement for Participation due
  • 1 March 2024
    Deadline for submission of early results
  • 31 March 2024
    First intercomparison workshop (virtual)
  • 1 September 2024
    Deadline for submission of final CSP simulation results 
  • 30 September 2024
    Final intercomparison workshop (hybrid)
  • December 2024
    Completion of draft report on the results of the CSP
  • February 2025
    Report on the results of the CSP finalized and submitted
  • March 2025
    Special session at the 2025 SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 

For more information, find the full article on SPE's website in the link below: 

There is also additional information in the attached document below.