UiB gives input to Erasmus+
The University of Bergen has provided input on priorities and design for the European Union's framework programme for education.

The University of Bergen has submitted a position paper with evaluation of Erasmus+ and input to the design of the next framework programme for education in Europe.
European Commission
Oppdatert: 19.12.2023 (Først publisert: 04.12.2023)
"The University of Bergen considers Erasmus+ a crucial tool to promote strong academic collaboration and partnerships with institutions across Europe and around the world", says Rector Margareth Hagen.
The University of Bergen (UiB) has now submitted a position paper with input related to the EU Commission's public consultation on Erasmus+. The input is provided in connection with the evaluation of the period 2014-2020 and the mid-term evaluation of the current programme period 2021-2027, and will contribute to shaping the next framework programme.
Key points of our position paper:
- UiB recommends giving continued priority to current Erasmus+ objectives of inclusion and diversity, green and digital transitions, democracies, values and civic engagement. At the same time, the programme must remain flexible for emerging needs.
- UiB supports the current priorities of programme, however, we recommend that a clearer distinction is made between digital teaching and learning as a tool and methodology, and targeted actions for the development of digital skills in the wider sense.
- UiB emphasizes that Erasmus+ should contribute to stronger links between research, innovation, and education. We call for a focus on research-based higher education, in support of providing students with future-proof skills, such as critical and analytic thinking, creativity and problem solving.
- UiB welcomes the opportunities for global cooperation in Erasmus+, and the flexible use of the programme in support of Ukraine. We encourage further efforts to strengthen the international dimension with initiatives outside Europe.
- UiB supports UiB support the continued investment in various forms of cooperation projects. We would welcome a reduction of the number of calls and sub-calls, and to increase the level of funding available for bottom-up academic cooperation projects.
- UiB welcomes the European University Initiative and encourages a more long-term funding approach for the future Erasmus+ programme. Alliances should to a stronger extent be able to pursue their own paths for reaching the overall objectives of cooperation and quality in higher education
- UiB encourages futher efforts for flexibility and simplification of mobility and projects in Erasmus+.