Bergen forskningsgruppe for gynekologisk kreft


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Our projects - endometrial cancer

Deep characterization of advanced patient-derived 3D models

It is important that cancer models used to study genetics and treatment response harbor similar characteristics as the patient tumors.

Culturing of 3D models of endometrial cancer
Marta E. Hjelmeland


We have previously shown that our patient-derived 3D models largely mimic the characteristics of the patient tumors they were derived from. Genetic data from this study will be analyzed more in depth to identify different types of endometrial cancer cells present in each tumor and corresponding model, and how this cell composition will change from early to late time in culture. This will inform us on how well the models mimic the cell composition of patient tumors, also after longer culture times. This information is important for correct evaluation of research findings generated from these models, such as findings from preclinical drug trials.