Forskergruppe for klima-, energi- og miljørett


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Postdoctoral researcher Torhild Nordtveit's presentation at the Athens Conference of EU Energy Law and Policy.

On Thursday, November 14, Torhild presented the foundation of her work related to the transportation of hydrogen by ships at the Athens Conference of EU Energy Law and Policy

Torhild N.
André Kvalvågnes


Postdoctoral researcher Torhild Nordtveit is associated with the Hyvalue project at UiB, led by Norce.

On Thursday, November 14, Torhild presented the foundation of her work related to the transportation of hydrogen by ships at the Athens Conference of EU Energy Law and Policy. The conference had four key energy law and policy topics: the re-design of the EU Electricity Market, hydrogen & renewable gases policy in the EU, the prospects & risks for off-shore wind development, and current trends in energy arbitration.


The conference was conducted as a webinar, reaching out to several hundred people. Nordtveit's presentation focused on the lack of legal regulation regarding the maritime transport of hydrogen. Please find the presentation attached.